[rhn-users] No base channel for system

Todd Warner taw at redhat.com
Wed Nov 10 14:07:45 UTC 2004

On Wed, 10 Nov 2004, Thorsten Göllner wrote:

> Hi,
> I just added my redhat system (Advanced Server 2.1) to the redhat network. When logging into the RHN-Page there is no base channel assigned to this system. When starting up2date (X-Server-Version) also no channel is displayed to choose.
> What is wrong here, please?
> -Thorsten-

Chances are you have used up all of your channel entitlements or some
have expired.

* Go to RHN,
* click on the Channels tab at the top
* click on "Channel Entitlements" on the left side.
* look at the "Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (x86)" line item
  There is a "Systems Subscribed" column and an "Available
  Subscriptions" column. If there are no available subscriptions, then
  RHN will register the box but assign no channel to it.
* NOTE that you may have registered the box twice? If so, click on the
* "Systems" tab at the top, and delete the redundant systems listed (the
  correct one should be the last one listed).

If you don't have what you need or thought you already had, call up a
sales guys to get things fixed/normalized.

 /odd Warner                                    <taw@{redhat,pobox}.com>
             Geek Herder - QA/Sust-Eng/Rel-Eng - Red Hat Network
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