[rhn-users] CVS no such repository error..

mukund jampala mukund.miscregisters at gmail.com
Sat Nov 26 08:16:23 UTC 2005

Dear RedHat users,

I am trying to configure the CVS Server on RH 7.3 dist on i386.
I am using the default cvs that comes with the RH 7.3 dist.

I have followed the following steps as mention in the link:

	export CVSROOT=/usr/local/src/cvsroot
	cvs init

created users & grps:-
	groupadd -g 8000 cvsgrp
	useradd -u 8000 -g cvsgrp -d /u/cvs -s /bin/sh -c "CVS Repository" -m cvs

Set the ownership of the $CVSROOT and set the setgid bit on the directory
	chown -R cvs $CVSROOT
	chgrp -R cvsgrp $CVSROOT
	chmod -R g+s $CVSROOT

grep cvs /etc/services resulted with:
	cvspserver 2401/tcp #CVS client/server operations
	cvspserver 2401/udp #CVS client/server operations

In /etc/xinetd.d I named a file cvspserver with:
	service cvspserver
	socket_type = stream
	protocol = tcp
	wait = no
	user = root
	passenv =
	server = /usr/bin/cvs
	server_args = --allow-root=/usr/local/src/cvsroot pserver

and issued:
	# service xinetd reload

Create or edit the following files in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT
readers added mukund, root to it

used htpasswd for creating entried of the file and appends each entry
with ":cvs"
	htpasswd -c passwd pseudo_username

CVS server access from the same machine ona diffrentr terminal:
	# cvs -d :pserver:root at cvshost:/usr/src/cvsroot login { where cvshost
=, cvs server IP}
	Logging in to :pserver:root at cvshost:2401/usr/src/cvsroot
	CVS passwd:
	/usr/src/cvsroot: no such repository

Using the anonymous uses.....
	cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at cvshost:/usr/src/cvsroot login { where
cvshost =, cvs server IP}
	Logging in to :pserver:root at cvshost:2401/usr/src/cvsroot
	CVS passwd: << blank poasswd >> { as I did not assign any}
	/usr/src/cvsroot: no such repository

Also, when I tried to
	# telnet 2401
	Connected to (
	Escape charecter is '^]'.
On pressing ENTER:
	cvs {pserver aborted]: bad auth protocol start:
	Connection closed by foreign host.

Can somene please explain me where exactly I am commiting the mistake?

Thanks & Regards,
Mukund Jampala

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