[rhn-users] List confusions

inode0 inode0 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 24 17:23:36 UTC 2007

On 1/24/07, Howard, Chris <HowardC at prpa.org> wrote:
> This is a "me too" post.
> I also found myself confused by the name of the list
> and ended up here even though this is not what I first expected.

I think it is pretty clear that the name confuses people and at this
point the content also confuses people since wildly off topic
questions are routinely answered by the friendly people on this list.

> I thought that the name implied that this list was an adjunct
> to the paid-for service of red hat support, and that it would
> have red hat employees on here willing to help me solve problems
> with my red hat system.... similar to the forums on Oracle's Metalink...
> and in contrast to a more "fellow pilgrims struggling with redhat" type
> of support.

It is too bad that there aren't many lists where Red Hat folks are
heavily involved but that sort of thing doesn't mesh as well with Red
Hat's business model I'm afraid.

> But as you know, that isn't it at all.
> I think kind redirection to other lists is good.

This mostly results in mad people annoyed by the attempted
redirection. Sometimes the poster takes it personally, sometimes
others on the list think differently and just want to help everyone

> I think a list purpose email sent once a month would be good.

No one would read it.

> (Otherwise I don't think there would be much traffic here at all.)

This is true. Glancing at the archives for the past few months one
can't help but notice how few posts there are that have anything to do
with RHN. Is RHN just wonderful and doesn't need a discussion list?
Have most people who are interested in RHN just gone away or no longer
are willing to wade through the non-RHN material to even notice the on
topic posts?

> I think that some compassion for other wandering souls is appropriate.

Some compassion can go both ways. Those wishing to have list with an
RHN focus should get a little compassion too.

> (And I still don't know which list actually has the ear of redhat
> support.  So if I run into any problem I will use the telephone.)

I will say in my experience on this list I do believe on topic posts
do get noticed by Red Hat folks. Replies are normally off list
however. And replies often are of the "you are asking about this in
the wrong place" variety. Replies are also often quite helpful but
can't be addressed here for various reasons. To be fair to Red Hat
about this though we must understand the point of this list isn't for
us to have a dialog with Red Hat staff. The point is for us to have a
discussion with other Red Hat Network users.

So I'm not sure there is any point in keeping this list as it
currently stands. It is just another redhat-list and since that list
already exists we would be better off if all these questions went to
it. Why have multiple general catch-all questions lists? Perhaps a
rebirth of this list with a new name could revive its use as a forum
to discuss Red Hat Network.


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