[rhn-users] A question about RHN XMLRPC: Does RHN use HTTPS, not HTTP, to transmit big .rpm packages?

Bo Xie xiebopublic at gmail.com
Sat Mar 31 10:54:37 UTC 2007

I use yum+rhnplugin on RHEL5 i386 to download bridge-utils, and I
observer that the download URL is

My questions is: Does RHN use HTTPS, not HTTP, to transmit big .rpm packages?

I mean HTTPS is suitable for sensitive data transmission, eg., credit
card no. or password, not for big .rpm files. I think the HTTPS URL
(eg., https://xmlrpc.rhn.redhat.com/XMLPRC/GET-REQ/rhel-i386-server-5/getpackage/bridge-utils-1.1-2.i386.rpm)
should be redirected to a HTTP URL, eg.,
http://download.rhn.redhat.com/xxx/bridge-utils-1.1-2.i386.rpm to be
more efficient for big file transmission.

Please correct me if I am wrong!  (I am a RHN and XMLRPC newbie.)

Best Regards,
Xie, Bo

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