[rhn-users] Checksum for RHN packages

Steve Huff shuff at hmdc.harvard.edu
Tue Jan 12 16:23:42 UTC 2010

On 1/12/10 2:21 AM, Amit Laxmikant Pande wrote:
> I get RHN package updates from https://xmlrpc.rhn.redhat.com/XMLRPC

yes, that should work.

> The XML-RPC method "listPackages" is used to list all the available
> packages and method "getPackage" is used to get the package details
> such as NEVRA.

just to be clear: do you mean "errata.listPackages", or do you mean 
"channel.software.listAllPackages" (or one of the other calls in 

also, i suspect you mean "packages.getDetails"; is that correct?

> I want to check if I already have the package and use NEVRA + checksum
> logic for identifying the package uniquely.
> For the methods mentioned above, I am not getting the checksum and hence
> my package existence check up fails resulting in package download every
> time.

here's a sample of the output i get from calling packages.getDetails on 
a package_id (don't be confused by the output format, it's a dump of a 
Perl data structure, but the content is all there):

%details = (
              'package_size' => '17855',
              'package_epoch' => '',
              'package_build_date' => '2009-04-28 12:18:05.0',
              'package_last_modified_date' => '2009-05-07 07:37:30.0',
              'package_id' => '479048',
              'package_md5sum' => '85fb43b78dc61d880457bc704300ace7',
              'package_arch_label' => 'x86_64',
              'package_license' => 'GPLv2+',
              'package_vendor' => 'Red Hat, Inc.',
              'package_summary' => 'ACPI Event Daemon',
              'package_file' => 'acpid-1.0.2-4.x86_64.rpm',
              'package_release' => '4',
              'package_version' => '1.0.2',
              'providing_channels' => [
              'package_build_host' => 'ls20-bc2-14.build.redhat.com',
              'package_description' => 'acpid is a daemon that 
dispatches ACPI events to user-space programs.',
              'package_payload_size' => '29296',
              'package_name' => 'acpid',
              'package_cookie' => ''

as you can see, the checksum is in there.  how are you making the API 
call, and what (if anything) do you get back?


Steve Huff - Systems Administrator, HMDC - shuff at hmdc.harvard.edu

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