[rhos-list] DNSmask issues

Paul Robert Marino prmarino1 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 14 20:21:03 UTC 2012

I put in a bug ticket for the issue here

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 7:36 PM, Paul Robert Marino <prmarino1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Im working with a flat network with an external roue in my test
> environment for the most part its working well however dnsmask keeps
> giving its own ipaddress as the default route.
> Ive configured the gateway and dns in quantum
>  quantum net-show public01
> +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+
> | Field                     | Value                                |
> +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+
> | admin_state_up            | True                                 |
> | id                        | fcf601ad-202d-4f8a-ae90-e1c902e85fb7 |
> | name                      | public01                             |
> | provider:network_type     | flat                                 |
> | provider:physical_network | physnet1                             |
> | provider:segmentation_id  |                                      |
> | router:external           | True                                 |
> | shared                    | True                                 |
> | status                    | ACTIVE                               |
> | subnets                   | 9c5f1155-fb5b-4b23-b2c1-a06455a89119 |
> | tenant_id                 | ea8e05c057cb4d949f70fb2a406f3277     |
> +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+
> quantum subnet-show pub_subnet01
> +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+
> | Field            | Value                                                |
> +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+
> | allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
> | cidr             |                                     |
> | dns_nameservers  |                                        |
> | enable_dhcp      | True                                                 |
> | gateway_ip       |                                        |
> | host_routes      |                                                      |
> | id               | 9c5f1155-fb5b-4b23-b2c1-a06455a89119                 |
> | ip_version       | 4                                                    |
> | name             | pub_subnet01                                         |
> | network_id       | fcf601ad-202d-4f8a-ae90-e1c902e85fb7                 |
> | tenant_id        | ea8e05c057cb4d949f70fb2a406f3277                     |
> +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+
> the dns_nameservers field seems to be ignored entierly so instead i
> had to set it in the dhcp_agent.ini
> but the thing thats really annoying me is that DNS masq keeps setting
> its own ip address on the subnet as the default gateway which is
> also on a side note while Im on the subject of DNS is there any chance
> we will see Melange packages soon

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