[rhos-list] tenant_network_type vlan not working on RHEL 6.4/RDO

Michael Luksch Michael.Luksch at lcsystems.at
Fri Jul 12 09:35:46 UTC 2013

(not quoting question, because of HTML)


Two things:

1. Your host needs at least one "vlan interface" up, otherwise packets get dropped. This is an bug in rhel/centos 6.4. The vlan itself does not really have to exist.
Common workaround is to set up a dummy vlan interface on the physical interface transporting the VLANs. Dummy meaning here a nonexistent, like:

cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX.666

I guess this is what you are experiencing when adding a eth4.40.

2. AFAIK you need to have

use_veth = True

in your quantum.conf

Documentation on that is a little bit lacking last time I checked.


Michael Luksch

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