[rhos-list] Cannot create/modify projects: no default role Member

Lodgen, Brad Brad.Lodgen at centurylink.com
Wed Jul 9 01:07:23 UTC 2014

I deployed via packstack using the RHEL-OSP V4 evaluation. Before looking at the roles today, I hadn't used the keystone command at all with this deployment.

There was another issue earlier with packstack not creating the proper iptables rules on the cinder node, and I moved over to packstack because the foreman deployment was doing similar things. For example, it turned sasl auth on in qpid by default, but left saslauthd turned off in chkconfig and never started saslauthd service, so none of the services could communicate.

Does the eval version have different packages?

Steve Gordon <sgordon at redhat.com> wrote:

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brad Lodgen" Lodgen at centurylink.com>
> To: "Steve Gordon" <sgordon at redhat.com>
> Actually, I was looking at the keystone log and not the horizon log, so that
> was my bad. I saw the horizon log still had the "Member" error and realized
> I did not restart services after making the change. After restart, I can now
> create/modify projects.
> Thanks, Steve!

No problem, out of interest how were you deploying? Did you manually create the Keystone users, roles, etc.? In our RHELOSP 4 documentation we used the Member role - this aligns it with the default Horizon configuration for that release (which also matches the upstream default at that point in time if I recall correctly):


Steve Gordon, RHCE
Sr. Technical Product Manager,
Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform
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