[scl.org] Using UBI8 for toolbox container

James Cassell fedoraproject at cyberpear.com
Sat May 30 00:54:59 UTC 2020

On Mon, May 11, 2020, at 10:45 AM, Bissenbay Dauletbayev wrote:
> Hi SoftwareCollections,
> I am working on replacing the base image of this Dockerfile 
> <https://github.com/goern/toolbox/blob/master/images/fedora/aicoe-tensorflow-jupyter-toolbox/Dockerfile> from Fedora32 to UBI8. However, I face issues where in the build process I see missing packages for UBI8. Then, my manager advised me to look at this Dockerfile.rhel8 <https://github.com/sclorg/s2i-python-container/blob/master/3.6/Dockerfile.rhel8> to understand how you guys do it. Could you please assist me why when I try to build that dockerfile I get error message (attached the screenshot).
> Could you also please help me with replacing base image from Fedora32 
> to UBI8 and how to deal when I face missing packages issues like what 
> it means is that the packages I am trying to install are not present in 
> Red Hat Repos I guess.

You should use the fully qualified name: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8

James Cassell

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