[sos-devel] JBoss SOS plug-in

Bryn M. Reeves bmr at redhat.com
Mon May 9 18:21:17 UTC 2011

On 05/09/2011 07:10 PM, Keith Robertson wrote:
> I can send a sample report if you're interested.

That would be really useful, thanks! Probably be a bit big to send to the list
but if you can either pass it to me privately (I'll add it to our "examples"
repo which will hopefully soon be public) or if you have a URL I'll pull it from

> Also, when you say rawhide do you mean RHEL?  I'm asking because that is 
> what I/we are most interested in seeing the SOS report in.

Sorry I should have explained better - since sos is a Fedorahosted project we
use Fedora Rawhide bugs to track new features upstream. If you look at the
"Fedora" products list there should be a "rawhide" version listed - We can start
the bug there, get it into git upstream and the rawhide package and then clone
and either backport or rebase as appropriate for RHEL or other products.

This should all be in the extensive project documentation that I have so far
failed to write!


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