[sos-devel] [release] sos-3.2alpha1

Bryn M. Reeves bmr at redhat.com
Thu Jun 12 16:45:56 UTC 2014

The sos team is pleased to announce the first alpha release of sos-3.2.
This release includes a large number of enhancements and fixes,

* Native oVirt support
* New plugins for Docker, distupgrade, ipvs, oVirt, pcp, rabbitmq,
  tuned, FirewallD, HAproxy, keepalived
* Improved logging
* Better handling of catastrophic file system errors (EROFS, ENOSPC
  etc.) * Improved sar data handling
* PowerPC arch improvements
* Improved python3 support

For full change information please refer to the git repository logs.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to 3.2 so far! Please file issues
for any problems you encounter in the github issue tracker:



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