[sos-devel] release meeting

Bryn M. Reeves bmr at redhat.com
Fri Dec 4 15:54:53 UTC 2015

Hi Folks,

I'd like to hold a quick release meeting for 3.3 early next week. We are
overdue on the release and I'd like to get a handle on the current open
issues that are strictly required before we can get this out.

There is some added urgency here in that a flaw was recently reported in
sos's handling of temporary files (CVE-2015-7529) that can allow a local
user to obtain archive content and in some circumstances execute
arbitrary commands with administrative privileges.

There are currently 28 open issues with a milestone of 3.3 set:


Many of these however are ongoing work that has been bumped from a
previous release milestone: most of these can be moved out to >= 3.4.

We'll hold a short meeting (~30m or so) on IRC to discuss any issues
that are urgent for 3.3 - if you are interested in attending please
reply off-list or swing by #sosreport on Freenode - Monday or Tuesday
next week are pretty clear for me but we can be flexible on times.

If you're unable to attend and have an open issue that you're keen to
see in the next release please reply to the list or update the issue on



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