[sos-devel] plugins/selinux fixfiles options doesn't work as intended

John Haxby john.haxby at oracle.com
Tue Jan 13 14:22:22 UTC 2015

Hello All,

I was investigating selinux-related problems remotely and thought, ah,
I remember, sosreport has a fixfiles option for the selinux plugin:

    sosreport -o selinux -kselinux.fixfiles

Imagine my disappointment when the fixfiles output in the sosreport
contained one single and not especially useful line:

    Checking / /boot /dev /dev/hugepages /dev/mqueue /dev/pts /dev/shm /home /run /sys /sys/fs/cgroup

If you run sosreport like that what you'll see is a million and one
lines warning you that a lot of files don't have a default selinux
context and, if you keep your eyes peeled, you'll see some lines
reporting the wrong context for some files.

The fixfiles script doesn't work the way sosreport expects.  Fixfiles
writes everything to a log file which, by default, is /dev/tty or
/dev/null if there is no tty.   The following patch, which I hope you
will find useful, replaces "fixfiles check -v" with "restorecon -Rvn
2>/dev/null".   For the purposes of sosreport, I don't believe the
warnings about no default context for a lot of files are useful which
is why stderr is discarded.


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