[sos-devel] question about configuration file

Bryn M. Reeves bmr at redhat.com
Tue Sep 29 17:40:29 UTC 2015

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 01:43:15PM +0000, Collins, Brian (GE Corporate, consultant) wrote:

> This is not what I am talking about. Not modules options but to enable only a set of modules just like the -o flag.
> Example:
> sosreport -o anaconda,apache,bootloader,crontab,filesys,general,hardware,kernel,libraries,lsbrelease,memory,networking,nscd,ntp,openssl,pam,process,rpm,sar,sendmail,snmp,ssh,startup,system,udev,xinetd,yum,rhn,tomcat

Currently you can only provide a list of modules to *disable* from the
configuration file - there hasn't been any request for an enable list to

You're welcome to file an RFE in the GitHub issue tracker to add this
feature - it's relatively trivial to implement however since you are
using versions as far back as 1.7 be aware that most of the
distributions that shipped this version are now in maintenance phase and
so will not accept any feature updates even if we did implement this

If you need something that works across releases then you'll need to do
it by creating an exclusion list of all the plugins you want to disable
on all possible releases (it's valid to reference a non-existent plugin
in the disable list), for e.g.:

# cat /etc/sos.conf
disable = foo, bar, baz, qux, rpm

# sosreport -l
 rpm                  skipped        RPM Package Manager

Anything marked in the disable list will show as 'skipped' and will not
be run by default.

You should be able to use this to create a global list of plugins you
don't want to see running, although this is somewhat contrary to how sos
is intended to be used - a level of maintenance will be needed as new
versions introduce new plugins and profiles.


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