[sos-devel] question about configuration file

Bryn M. Reeves bmr at redhat.com
Wed Sep 30 14:47:04 UTC 2015

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 06:34:17PM +0000, Collins, Brian (GE Corporate, consultant) wrote:
> In 1.7 some features like cgroups don't exist. I wanted a blanket of the simplest modules to just run a for loop to sosreport / scp the contents to a main server so I can awk grep and sed through it.  The highest revision I have seen in these servers is 2.2 and the lowest is 1.7. It's a one shot to gather most of the critical config files and compare to others. Some plugins will cause sosreport to hang. These seem to work on all of the referenced servers....

This sounds like a very similar use-case to the RHEV, oVirt, and RHS
(Gluster) "logCollector" tools. These are ssh (pSSH in latest versions
so that the collection is parallelised across hosts) based drivers for
sos that run a pre-determined plugin set using -o.


You might want to take a look at those projects to see if you could
re-use any of this in your environment.

> Thank you for the clarification. I believe I will just have to use the -o option in my for loop. 
> It would be nice to have an only option in the sos.conf though.....

I'll file an issue - it is straightforward to implement - however since
you're committed to using old versions that will not be updated by the
respective distributions I doubt that it would solve your problem until
those older versions go EOL.


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