[sos-devel] Quick update on SoS and PackIt

Jake Hunsaker jhunsake at redhat.com
Wed Jul 21 14:26:11 UTC 2021

Hi all,

Just wanted to give a quick heads up that I've re-enabled the PackIt 
service for the sos repo. This means that any new PRs should get a test 
RPM built and hosted in COPR automatically. This was previously disabled 
as PackIt used to have the stance that every user either needed write 
access to the repo to produce these RPMs, or needed to be manually 
approved for each build by someone who did. That is no longer the case.

Hopefully this makes testing on RPM based distributions easier.

As always, if there are other services or CI tasks that would be 
beneficial for you, your team, or your org in testing/maintaining sos, 
please feel free to open an issue requesting it to be added. In general, 
if it makes shipping sos easier across our supported downstreams (or new 
downstreams!) I'm all for it.


- jake / TurboTurtle

Jake Hunsaker
RHCA Cloud Specialist
Senior Software Engineer, CEE Engineering
Red Hat

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