[sos-devel] sos collect: becoming root without password

Adrian Moreno amorenoz at redhat.com
Tue May 18 13:23:20 UTC 2021


I'm trying to run "sos collect" (4.1) to ssh into my node and gather the logs as

I'm doing so by running:

sos collect --become --ssh-user heat-admin --nopasswd-sudo --nodes ${NODE_IP}

But sos prompts me for the root password of user "head-admin" in the node:

sos-collector ASSUMES that SSH keys are installed on all nodes unless the
--password option is provided.

User heat-admin will attempt to become root. Provide root password:

Isn't "--nopasswd-sudo" supposed to mean "I don't need password to use sudo"
(which is my case)?

I'm sure I'm missing something, can someone help me out?

Adrián Moreno

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