[sos-devel] sos-4.5.5 has been released

Jake Hunsaker jacob.r.hunsaker at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 16:33:32 UTC 2023

sos-4.5.5 went out earlier today, release notes follow below. If there 
are any concerns with this release, please feel free to either open a 
GitHub issue, reply on list, or reach out to me directly.

The next scheduled release is 4.5.6, targeting July 20th.

The sos team is pleased to announce the release of sos-4.5.5. This 
release has a number of edge case bug fixes, as well as the start of an 
overhaul to the concurrency approach to cleaner, which will happen over 
several releases.

    Global Changes

  * |sos.spec|has been updated to more closely align with Fedora guidelines.
  * Build snaps as part of merging to|main|should be more reliable now.

    Report Changes

  * Fixed a bug where scrubbing certificate content would fail as a
    result of us implicitly using the|re.I|flag for plugin-based

      Plugin Changes

  * New plugins:|cxl|,|vault|
  * Fixed a bug where if sos was running inside a container, and a
    plugin attempted to collect a symlink to a host file, that the
    plugin would instead capture the container's version of that file.
  * Fixed a bug where redundant attempts to create a
    plugin's|sos_commands/|subdirectory would result in an exception.
  * The|apache|plugin will now collect all|/etc/httpd/conf/*.conf|files
    by default.
  * The|ipa|plugin will now collect SID and EPN logs.
  * The|grub2|plugin will now collect user-created config files.
  * Spaces are now handled properly when scrubbing passwords within
  * The|docker|plugin will now function for Debian based systems.

    Collect Changes

  * The|ocp|cluster profile will now more gracefully handle timeouts
    when trying to remove the temporary project after collections
    complete. Users are now also notified that if this occurs, they will
    need to manually delete the temporary project.
  * Report execution errors handled within|SosNode|are now more
    consistently printed to console.

    Cleaner Changes

  * Refined MAC address parsing, so we should have more complete
    coverage of MAC address obfuscation
  * The process of preparing cleaner mappings has been abstracted out
    into new|Prepper|objects. These preppers allow more flexible ways to
    extract relevant items for preparing mappings and parsers before the
    bulk obfuscation work begins. This is the first step in moving to a
    more efficient concurrency design, and subsequent changes and
    refinements are expected over the next few releases.

For full information on the changes contained in this release, please 
refer to the Git commit logs. Further release information and tarballs 
are available at:


Please report any problems to the sos-devel mailing list, or the GitHub 
issue tracker:


The team would like to thank everyone who contributed fixes, new 
features, testing, and feedback for this release.
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