[sos-devel] Upstream sos-4.5.4 has been released

Jake Hunsaker jhunsake at redhat.com
Fri May 26 20:15:27 UTC 2023

The sos team is pleased to announce the release of sos-4.5.4. This 
release focused on expanding support in policies for more and multiple 
package managers. The next release is slated for June 22.


  * Added a|snap|package manager abstraction so that policies and
    plugins may inspect package installations using the snap manager.
  * Added a|MultiPackagerManager|that allows policies to leverage
    multiple package managers on the same system - e.g. a system using
    both dpkg and snaps.
  * The|Ubuntu|policy will now use both the dpkg and snap package
    managers, so plugins will be enabled based on the installation of a
    package in either dpkg or snap format.
  * The|dpkg|package manager will now properly remove
    recently-uninstalled packages from the returned package list.
  * The|Mariner|policy has been renamed to|Azure Linux|to match the new
    upstream naming.

    Report Changes

  * Plugins will now collect truncated strings into the report before
    collecting command output.

      Plugin Changes

  * New plugins:|rhc|,|microk8s|
  * The|alternatives|plugin now supports Ubuntu installations.
  * The|dnf|plugin has removed the superflous use of|--assumeno|from
    commands that cannot generate the need for user input. Command file
    names will change accordingly.
  * The|apport|plugin will now collect|/var/crash|if|--all-logs|is used.
  * The|lxd|plugin will now collect logs and configuration files from
    locations based on|snap|installations as well.
  * The|apt|plugin will now obfuscate credentials in list files.
  * The|kernel|plugin will now collect|/var/lib/systemd/pstore|.
  * The|powerpc|plugin will now collect RMC status logs and|invscout|logs.
  * The|foreman|plugin will now collect|qpid-stat|output.
  * The|landscape|plugin now collects more logs.

    Collect Changes

  * Fixed a bug that would prevent the|juju|cluster from collections
    when a subbordinate's parent or its units were missing.
  * Fixed a bug where collect could end up skipping the local node if
    that node was part of the cluster but was not forcibly removed
    via|strict_node_list|(primarily pacemaker clusters).

For full information on the changes contained in this release, please 
refer to the Git commit logs. Further release information and tarballs 
are available at:


Please report any problems to the sos-devel mailing list, or the GitHub 
issue tracker:


The team would like to thank everyone who contributed fixes, new 
features, testing, and feedback for this release.

Jake Hunsaker
Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.
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