[Spacewalk-list] Undesirable repos in Fedora ks file!!

James Fillman jfillman at central1.com
Fri Dec 5 20:08:41 UTC 2008

I posted this issue a week or so ago, but the replies didn't really
address this issue. I've got an Org set up on my Spacewalk install. I've
imported all the Fedora rpm's(all 12,000 of them), I've created a
kickstart tree using the fedora DVD. I've created a kickstart post
script that fixes some of the bugs, installs the necessary RPM's to
register with Spacewalk, and registers it. This all works great. I've
effectively got a working Fedora 9 software channel with bare metal
kickstarts that register systems perfectly.
(I followed all the docs in the wiki to the letter)

The problem is, during the initial stages of the kickstart, the
'reposetup' step to be exact, anaconda pauses on some missing repos. I
noticed that Spacewalk adds some unwanted lines to my kickstart file:

firewall --disabled
repo --name=Cluster
repo --name=ClusterStorage
repo --name=VT
repo --name=Workstation
key --skip


These repos are part of RHEL and my RHN server adds them to all my
kickstarts for all my RHEL stuff. 

These repo's do NOT exist in fedora and so are not part of the fedora
kickstart tree. I need/want them out of there!! Having a kickstart file
that you have to baby sit so you can hit the 'Ignore' button is very

Does anyone have any idea's how and why they might be ending up in my
kickstart files?


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