[Spacewalk-list] Problem Could not automatically subscribe the system to the RHEL Virtualization Channel

E. Tiesinga tiesinga at astro.rug.nl
Thu Oct 2 09:45:05 UTC 2008


I have a problem to add  a Virtualization Entitlement to my machine.

I get the following messeges:

Could not automatically subscribe the system to the RHEL Virtualization 
Channel. This channel contains packages required for virtualization. 
This is most likely caused by a lack of channel entitlements.

I have no RHEL Virtualization Channel in my channel list. But i have 
20000 Virtualization Entitlement available.
How can  i get a Virtualization Entitlement to my machine??

I use spacewalk 0.2 after a easy and very smooth  upgrade from 0.1


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