[Spacewalk-list] Channels disappear from Full Software Channel Listing on the webUI

Luis Garcia luis.garciavega at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 22:03:31 UTC 2009

Hi, everybody!

Here's an odd one:

On the WebUI, when I navigate to the full channel listing,
(https://<spacewalkserver>/rhn/software/channels/All.do), I get a
listing of the the channels, as expected.  When I click on the the
plus sign, to expand the tree to see the child channels, or when I hit
"Show Child Channels", I get a listing of all the child channels, as

But then, when I hit the minus, instead of collapsing, the entire
listing for that channel and its children disappear. I can keep doing
it until I run out of channels to disappear. If I hit reload, or if I
hit "Show All Child Channels", all of them come back,

Oddly, when I try the same thing on the "My channels" tab,
(https://<spacewalkserver>/rhn/software/channels/Custom.do), expanding
and collapsing work as expected.

Using Spacewalk 0.4, pulled from the regular yum repo. User agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092418
CentOS/3.0.2-3.el5.centos Firefox/3.0.2

I looked around the bugzilla to see if anyone had filed this before,
but I didn't see anything.

Nothing major, just thought I'd let someone know.


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