[Spacewalk-list] Still having problems registering a client

m.roth2006 at rcn.com m.roth2006 at rcn.com
Thu Feb 26 16:04:37 UTC 2009

Oh, what I forgot to ask: do I need jabberd on the client?


---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 10:56:32 -0500 (EST)
>From: <m.roth2006 at rcn.com>  
>Subject: [Spacewalk-list] Still having problems registering a client  
>To: spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>Using the browser, I deleted my test client system. Then I shut down spacewalk. Then I bounced Oracle. Then I brought up spacewalk. 
>Using the browser, no systems were showing. 
>On the client, I ran 
>sudo /usr/sbin/rhnreg_ks --force --serverUrl=http://<IP address>/XMLRPC --activationkey=<generated key>
>Command line on client:
>Introspect error: The name org.freedesktop.Hal was not provided by any .service files
>Error reading hardware information: dbus_bindings.DBusException
>Introspect error: The name org.freedesktop.Hal was not provided by any .service files
>Error reading DMI information: dbus_bindings.DBusException
>Introspect error: The name org.freedesktop.Hal was not provided by any .service files
>An error has occurred:
>Internal Server Error
>See /var/log/up2date for more information
>/var/log/up2date on client:
>[Thu Feb 26 09:26:43 2009] up2date Error communicating with server. The message was:
>Internal Server Error
>On the server, in /var/log/rhn/rhn_server_xmlrpc.log:
>2009/02/26 09:22:11 -05:00 25444 <client IP address>: xmlrpc/registration.welcome_message('lang: None',)
>2009/02/26 09:22:11 -05:00 25445 <client IP address>: xmlrpc/registration.register_osad
>2009/02/26 09:22:11 -05:00 25445 <client IP address>: rhnServer/server_certificate.valid('Server id ID-1000010001 not found in database',)
>2009/02/26 09:23:35 -05:00 25443 rhnSQL/driver_cx_Oracle.connect('Connecting to database', 'XE')
>2009/02/26 09:23:35 -05:00 25443 <client IP address>: xmlrpc/registration.welcome_message('lang: None',)
>2009/02/26 09:23:35 -05:00 25446 <client IP address>: xmlrpc/registration.register_osad
>2009/02/26 09:23:35 -05:00 25446 <client IP address>: rhnServer/server_certificate.valid('Server id ID-1000010001 not found in database',)
>2009/02/26 09:24:36 -05:00 25810 <client IP address>: rhnSQL/driver_cx_Oracle.connect('Connecting to database', 'XE')
>2009/02/26 09:24:36 -05:00 25810 <client IP address>: xmlrpc/registration.welcome_message('lang: None',)
>2009/02/26 09:24:37 -05:00 25448 <client IP address>: rhnSQL/driver_cx_Oracle.connect('Connecting to database', 'XE')
>2009/02/26 09:24:37 -05:00 25448 <client IP address>: xmlrpc/registration.create_system("token = '<correct registration key for channel>'", '5', 'x86_64-redhat-linux')
>2009/02/26 09:24:38 -05:00 25448 <client IP address>: rhnServer/server_token.process_token(1000010004, 'enterprise_entitled')
>2009/02/26 09:24:38 -05:00 25448 <client IP address>: rhnServer/server_token.token_channels('ERROR', 'Server has invalid release and token contains no base channels', 1000010004, [{'note': 'x86_64', 'usage_limit': None, 'user_id': 1, 'org_id': 1, 'server_id': None, 'token_desc': 'Spacewalk Management Entitled Servers', 'token_type': 'enterprise_entitled', 'token': '<correct registration key for channel', 'token_id': 1, 'deploy_configs': 'N', 'kickstart_session_id': None, 'is_base': 'Y'}])
>2009/02/26 09:24:39 -05:00 25449 <client IP address>: rhnSQL/driver_cx_Oracle.connect('Connecting to database', 'XE')
>2009/02/26 09:24:39 -05:00 25449 <client IP address>: xmlrpc/registration.add_hw_profile(1000010004, 'items: 4')
>2009/02/26 09:24:41 -05:00 25442 <client IP address>: rhnSQL/driver_cx_Oracle.connect('Connecting to database', 'XE')
>2009/02/26 09:24:41 -05:00 25442 <client IP address>: xmlrpc/registration.add_packages(1000010004, 'packages: 425')
>2009/02/26 09:24:50 -05:00 25443 <client IP address>: xmlrpc/registration.add_packages(1000010004, 'packages: 425')
>2009/02/26 09:25:30 -05:00 25447 <client IP address>: rhnSQL/driver_cx_Oracle.connect('Connecting to database', 'XE')
>2009/02/26 09:25:30 -05:00 25447 <client IP address>: xmlrpc/registration.welcome_message('lang: None',)
>2009/02/26 09:25:30 -05:00 25444 <client IP address>: xmlrpc/registration.register_osad
>2009/02/26 09:25:30 -05:00 25444 <client IP address>: rhnServer/server_certificate.valid('Server id ID-1000010001 not found in database',)
>2009/02/26 09:25:38 -05:00 25445 <client IP address>: xmlrpc/registration.add_packages(1000010004, 'packages: 425')
>2009/02/26 09:25:46 -05:00 25808 <client IP address>: rhnSQL/driver_cx_Oracle.connect('Connecting to database', 'XE')
>2009/02/26 09:26:33 -05:00 25449 <client IP address>: xmlrpc/registration.welcome_message('lang: None',)
>2009/02/26 09:26:33 -05:00 25442 <client IP address>: rhnSQL/driver_cx_Oracle.check_connection('ERROR', "DATABASE CONNECTION TO 'XE' LOST", "Exception information: ('Can not prepare statement', (3114, 'ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE', ''))")
>So, after deleting the system again, I just bounced everything on the server again (and btw, if osad-dispatcher is *required* by spacewalk, why doesn't it bounce with rhn-satellite?) On the client, I bounced osad, and it is complaining it can't contact the jabber servers now.
>What am I missing?
>     mark
>Spacewalk-list mailing list
>Spacewalk-list at redhat.com

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