[Spacewalk-list] question about status :Queued

David Nutter davidn at bioss.sari.ac.uk
Fri Jun 12 13:19:00 UTC 2009

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 02:55:55PM +0200, Michiel van Es wrote:


> So if I get it right: there is a OSAD communication problem between the
> client|server and the spacewalkserver ?
> I have this for multiple machines but can not find anyhting in
> /var/log/rhn/*.log on the spacewalk server or in /var/log/osad (or osad
> debug mode => osad -N -vv) on the client.

The way I check OSAD connectivity and functionality is to start OSAD
on the client in debug mode as you do above and then schedule a ping
from spacewalk. If you see some stuff being printed on the client's
console when the ping is received then OSAD is working and any actions
scheduled should be performed more or less instantly.

If the ping works but scheduling actions doesn't, I'm afraid I don't
have any idea what the problem might be. 

If the ping doesn't work, then restarting jabberd in debug mode,
reading the jabberd logs and connecting to OSAD's jabber channel with
a regular client can help resolve any problems. Firewalls, certs and
authentication all might be an issue here, though usually OSAD on the
client will complain bitterly if there's something wrong.


David Nutter  				Tel: +44 (0)131 650 4888
BioSS, JCMB, King's Buildings, Mayfield Rd, EH9 3JZ. Scotland, UK 

Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland (BioSS) is formally part of The
Scottish Crop Research Institute (SCRI), a registered Scottish charity
No. SC006662

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