[Spacewalk-list] FW: WEB TRACEBACK from spacewalk.lnholdings.com

Mike McCune mmccune at redhat.com
Mon Jun 22 17:51:40 UTC 2009

On 06/22/2009 08:18 AM, Joseph Boyer Jr. wrote:
> Why am I getting this email from spacewalk every ten minutes?
> Thanks!
> Joseph Boyer Jr. | ETS Engineering | jboyer at liquidnet.com | +1 646.660.8352 | www.liquidnet.com

Can you do a:

# rpm -q cobbler

and reply here with the version?

Also, check that the following settings in /etc/cobbler/settings:

redhat_management_type: "site"
redhat_management_server: "spacewalk.example.com"
server: spacewalk.example.com
next_server: spacewalk.example.com

make sure your Spacewalk box's hostname is in the above fields and your 
_type field is set to "site".

Mike McCune
mmccune AT redhat.com
Engineering               | Portland, OR
RHN Satellite             | 650.567.9039x79248

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