[Spacewalk-list] Spacewalk + Oracle XE =>ORA-12952: The request exceeds the maximum allowed database size of 4 GB

Santi Saez santisaez at woop.es
Tue Nov 24 16:01:43 UTC 2009

El 23/11/09 11:53, David Nutter escribió:

> If you are using monitoring it's a good idea to periodically clear out
> the monitoring data tables. There's a script kicking around somewhere
> that does this, probably it'll be included in Spacewalk 0.7.
> Also, if you have loads of old packages in your channels, clear them
> out and delete them from the server and trash any old errata. This
> helps a bit, but you'll probably have to bite the bullet and buy an
> oracle licence eventually.

Do you mean "monitoring-data-cleanup" [1] Perl script ?

I get a DBI connect error when executing:

DBI connect('xe','spacewalk',...) failed: ERROR OCIEnvNlsCreate. Check 
ORACLE_HOME (Linux) env var  or PATH (Windows) and or NLS settings, 
permissions, etc. at 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/NOCpulse/NOCpulseini.pm line 50

BTW, Oracle XE is limited to 4GB of disk space and Spacewalk only uses <2GB:

SELECT SUM((blocks*8)/1024) FROM all_tables WHERE owner = 'SPACEWALK';


We're investigating when Oracle spents 4GB of disk space, and if there's 
no solution we will purchase an Oracle licence, thanks!

[1] http://tr.im/FFOp

Santi Saez

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