[Spacewalk-list] Initial load of Red Hat channel...?

Robert Kuropkat rkuropkat at t-sciences.com
Tue Nov 24 16:07:25 UTC 2009

I still need to look into these packages.  Last night I accidentally 
imported 3817 packages on accident, not exactly sure what.  I guess part 
of what is irritating me is the following paragraph from the Satellite 
Server Installation guide:

The Red Hat Network Channel Content ISOs or RHN Satellite Exporter data 
must be available, or the Satellite must have access to the Internet and 
the RHN website.

Although it is possible to conduct the import directly from the RHN 
website, this should be done only if Channel Content ISOs are not 
available. It takes a long time to populate a channel from scratch over 
the Internet. For this reason, Red Hat urges you to use ISOs, if they 
are available, for initial import.

So how the hell does one get the "Red hat Network Channel Content 
ISOs"?  I have a valid RHN login but the iso's I download don't seem to 
have the Channel Content info?  Or am I just on crack?  I mean I try not 
to read documentation very often but would appreciate it to be correct 
when I do bother... :-)


Josh.Mullis at cox.com wrote:
> Look into rhnget and gensystemid from the mrepo package.
> You can use that to sync the rhel rpms locally, then use rhnpush to import into spacewalk.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: spacewalk-list-bounces at redhat.com <spacewalk-list-bounces at redhat.com>
> To: spacewalk-list at redhat.com <spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
> Sent: Mon Nov 23 21:37:40 2009
> Subject: Re: [Spacewalk-list] Initial load of Red Hat channel...?
> yea, in the little reading I recall on it, I gave it a confused dog look 
> and just hoped I did not really need that.  So I'll look a little harder 
> at it unless this other thing actually works accidentally.  But it 
> sounds like even though I am getting nearly 4,000 packages it is still 
> only part of what I need.
> Thanks for the info...
> Colin Coe wrote:
>> I didn't like mrepo as:
>> a) I didn't find it at all intuitive
>> b) unless you do some fancy scripting you end up all the RHEL (and/or
>> EPEL) content twice on your filesystem
>> CC
>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Robert Kuropkat
>> <rkuropkat at t-sciences.com> wrote:
>>> hmmm... Well that makes a little more sense I guess.  I think it did/is
>>> syncing the epel repo, which is of course not what I wanted but would imply
>>> that process would work if I can dredge up the correct url.
>>> I did see something about spacewalk-repo-sync but I think that requires a
>>> URL as well, not local media.
>>> I do seem to have a sync process running, so I am not sure if it is because
>>> I clicked on the sync button multiple times or what.  Nothing is showing up
>>> in the Schedule tab in Space walk under pending, failed, completed or
>>> archived so I don't really understand what state this process is in.  There
>>> is a /var/log/rhn/rhn_taskomatic_daemon.log file that is showing a lot of
>>> hibernate and java null pointer errors so that does not seem promising.
>>> Actually, it looks like something might be happening now, I might have just
>>> been impatient.  There is now file in /var/log/rhn/reposync that is growing
>>> and shoes 754/3817.... and my little VM has gotten sluggish as hell.  So
>>> maybe it is downloading everything for a complete RH 5.2?
>>> Of course, that kinda sucks because I was about to give up and go home.  Now
>>> I have to stay and wait it out :-/
>>> Robert
>>> P.S.  What is mrepo and what did you not like about it?  I thought I saw
>>> that mentioned somewhere in my reading but don't recall now...
>>> Colin Coe wrote:
>>>> My understanding is that satellite-sync does not work with Sapcewalk
>>>> but I'm not 100% on that.
>>>> http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/ is the location for
>>>> EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux), not for RHEL.
>>>> a minute or two after clicking sync repo, do a 'ps -ef | grep sync' to
>>>> see if you have any spacewalk-repo-sync processes running.  I think
>>>> the logs are under /var/satellite/sync_repo or something similar.
>>>> I ended up using mrepo to do this but I was less than happy with it.
>>>> CC
>>>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Robert Kuropkat
>>>> <rkuropkat at t-sciences.com> wrote:
>>>>> I seem to be missing something obvious.  I've installed Red Hat 5.2 (in a
>>>>> VirtualBox VM) and installed Spacewalk.  Now I need to create my first
>>>>> channel.  I downloaded Red Hat 5.2 and copied the ISO to the file system
>>>>> and
>>>>> tried:
>>>>> satellite-sync --list-channels --mount-point /var/rhn-sat-import/rhel
>>>>> It fails saying it is unable to process file
>>>>> /var/rhn-sat-import/rhel/channel_families/channel_families.xml
>>>>> Sure enough, that file is not there.  I read the documentation on how to
>>>>> get
>>>>> the channel iso but it only gives me an iso without the channel
>>>>> information.
>>>>>  The documentation does not seem to exactly describe the web ui
>>>>> navigation
>>>>> through the RHN web site so I'm not sure if the documentation is slightly
>>>>> out of date and I am guessing wrong, or if there is some other detail I
>>>>> am
>>>>> missing.
>>>>> I do also see the URL for repo sync in Spacewalk, but don't understand
>>>>> what
>>>>> the URL should be for Red hat version 5.2.  I put in this:
>>>>> http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/
>>>>> And it said repository sync scheduled, but I see no evidence it actually
>>>>> did
>>>>> anything...  okay wait, before I hit send I went and looked again and it
>>>>> does look like it did something, just not what I wanted it to.  So maybe
>>>>> the
>>>>> URL above is just incorrect?  How do I setup a local Red Hat 5.2 repo?
>>>>> Any help appreciated.
>>>>> Robert Kuropkat
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