[Spacewalk-list] Internal Server Error on upload config files with rhncfg-manager

John van Zantvoort j.van.zantvoort at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 17:33:24 UTC 2009


I'm trying to upload config files with rhncfg-manager and/or through the
web UI but this fails with an error like "XML-RPC call error:
<ProtocolError for foo.example.moc /CONFIG-MANAGEMENT-TOOL: 500 Internal
Server Error>". This happens right after the
"rpc_repository._get_maximum_file_size" message in the logging. Also I
found this error: "ORA-06553: PLS-306: wrong number or types of
arguments in call to 'LOOKUP_CONFIG_INFO'\n", 'select
lookup_config_info(:username, :groupname, :file_mode) id from dual'
which seems to originate from line 323 in

I'm a bit stuck so any sugestions are welcome.

Met vriendelijke groeten/with kind regards

 John van Zantvoort


Most burning issues generate far more heat than light.

Version: 3.12
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G e h--- r++ y++

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