[Spacewalk-list] Creating perl script to use Spacewalk API butgetting error Could not find method create

Frey, Evan evan.frey at us.mizuho-sc.com
Tue Sep 15 12:09:17 UTC 2009

Actually, even with a hash I get the same error:

Fault returned from XML RPC Server, fault code -1:
redstone.xmlrpc.XmlRpcFault: Could not find method create in class class

It appears like it can't find the create method in the errata class

Code looks like this:

 	  my $RHNSynopsis = $RHNDetails{errata_synopsis};
	  my $RHNType = $RHNDetails{errata_type};
	  my $RHNTopic = $RHNDetails{errata_topic};
        my $RHNDescription = $RHNDetails{errata_description};
        my $RHNReferences = $RHNDetails{errata_references};
        my $RHNNotes = $RHNDetails{errata_notes};
        my $SWRelease = 1;
        my $SWProduct = "Red Hat";
        my $SWSolution = "Upgrade where applicable";
        my @RHNBugs = [];
        my @RHNKeywords = [];
        my $SWPublish = 1;

        my %Errata_Info = ("synopsis" => $RHNSynopsis,
                                "advisory_name" => $ERRATA_NAME,
                                "advisory_release" => $SWRelease,
                                "advisory_type" => $RHNType,
                                "product" => $SWProduct,
                                "topic" => $RHNTopic,
                                "description" => $RHNDescription,
                                "references" => $RHNReferences,
                                "notes" => $RHNNotes,
                                "solution" => $SWSolution);

$SWclient->call('errata.create',$SWsession,%Errata_Info, at RHNBugs, at RHNKeywords
, at Packages,$SWPublish, at Channels);

-----Original Message-----
From: spacewalk-list-bounces at redhat.com
[mailto:spacewalk-list-bounces at redhat.com] On Behalf Of Jesus M. Rodriguez
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 2:09 PM
To: spacewalk-list at redhat.com
Subject: Re: [Spacewalk-list] Creating perl script to use Spacewalk API
butgetting error Could not find method create

Hash: SHA1

On 09/14/2009 02:01 PM, Frey, Evan wrote:
> I am creating a perl script to publish errata from RHN to my Spacewalk 
> server.  I created the string to send to Spacewalk but when I push it 
> I get the following error
>     Fault returned from XML RPC Server, fault code -1:
> redstone.xmlrpc.XmlRpcFault: Could not find method create in class 
> class com.redhat.rhn.frontend.xmlrpc.errata.ErrataHandler
> I'm not sure why it can't find the create class as I am running v.6 
> which has the errata.create class.
> Any ideas?
> Line that borks:
> $SWclient->call('errata.create',$SWsession,$RHNSynopsis,$ERRATA_NAME,$
> SWRelea 
> se,$RHNType,$SWProduct,$RHNTopic,$RHNDescription,$RHNReferences,$RHNNo
> tes,$SW 
> Solution, at RHNBugs, at RHNKeywords, at Packages,$SWPublish, at Channels);

You need to create a hash as the second parameter

%erratainfo = ("synopsis" => $RHNSynopsis,
               "advisory_name" => $ERRATA_NAME,

So everything from $RHNSynopsis to $SWSolution should be in the above hash.
Then your call looks more like this:

call('errata.create', $SWsession, %erratainfo, @RHNBugs,
   @RHNKeywords, @Packages, $SWPublish, @Channels);


- -- 
jesus m. rodriguez        | jesusr at redhat.com
sr. software engineer     | irc: zeus
rhn satellite & spacewalk | 919.754.4413 (w)
rhce # 805008586930012    | 919.623.0080 (c)
|  "Those who cannot remember the past      |
|   are condemned to repeat it."            |
|                       -- George Santayana |

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