[Spacewalk-list] Python API: create software Channel with gpgkey information

Waldemar Gorus gorusw at wwu.de
Tue Dec 7 10:07:29 UTC 2010


I am just testing spacewalk a lot. For that I wrote a python script for 
creating, cloning, synchronizing and deleting channels automatically. I 
would like to set the gpgkey-information during the progress of channel 
creation, but I have problems with the method declaration:

The following python piece works well without the additional gpgKey 
information, but fails with. Somehow I fail with the python struct 
'construct'. Thank you for any hints

for section in channelList:
        client.channel.software.create (sKey, 
                config.get(section, "name"),
                config.get(section, "summary"),
                config.get(section, "archLabel"),
                config.get(section, "parentLabel"),
                config.get(section, "checksumType"),
                pack('sss', config.get(section, "gpgKey.url"),
                        config.get(section, "gpgKey.id"),
                        config.get(section, "gpgKey.print")))

Here is the method from spacewalk doc API used:

      Method: create

Creates a software channel


    * string sessionKey
    * string label - label of the new channel
    * string name - name of the new channel
    * string summary - summary of the channel
    * string archLabel - the label of the architecture the channel
      corresponds to
          o channel-ia32 - For 32 bit channel architecture
          o [..]
    * string parentLabel - label of the parent of this channel, an empty
      string if it does not have one
    * string checksumType - checksum type for this channel, used for yum
      repository metadata generation
          o sha1 - Offers widest compatibility with clients
          o sha256 - Offers highest security, but is compatible only
            with newer clients: Fedora 11 and newer, or Enterprise Linux
            6 and newer.
    * struct - gpgKey
          o string "url" - GPG key URL
          o string "id" - GPG key ID
          o string "fingerprint" - GPG key Fingerprint

Thank you

Waldemar Gorus            |  Tel. : +49 (0)251 83-32747
Universität Münster       |  Fax  : +49 (0)251 83-32742
Institut für Informatik   |  email: gorusw at wwu.de
Einsteinstr. 62           |  
D-48149 Münster, Germany  |

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