[Spacewalk-list] apacheAuth.py always fails with session key error

Stefan Förster cite+spacewalk-users at incertum.net
Mon Mar 15 12:55:11 UTC 2010


for our Spacewalk 0.8 (upgraded from 0.6 to 0.7 and then 0.8), client
authentication always fails, complaining about a bad session key.

XML-RPC debugging logs are available at:


I had to uncomment the following code in
/usr/share/rhn/server/apacheAuth.py to make it work:

    if computed != signature:
        log_debug(4, "Sent client signature %s does not match ours %s." % (
            signature, computed))
        raise rhnFault(33, "Invalid client session key")

The clients are all able to register themselves successfully, and
there is no measurable clock drift involved.

How do we fix this?


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