[Spacewalk-list] Detecting KVM Fully Virtualised systems

James Hogarth james.hogarth at gmail.com
Fri May 21 15:43:38 UTC 2010

On 21 May 2010 16:27, James Hogarth <james.hogarth at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm in the process of converting some VMware guests into KVM guests at
> the moment.
> These guests were already managed under spacewalk but as they were
> vmware machines they were considered normal systems.
> A freshly built system using a kickstart marked as a kvm virtual guest
> shows after building as a fully virtualised system under the kvm
> server properly in the web GUI.
> A converted system from vmware to kvm still shows as a standard system
> and teh web GUI does not link/show that host on the virtualised
> systems screen as runnign under teh kvm host (just shows an
> unregistered system).
> How does spacewalk determine if a host is virtualised and the relation
> ship between kvm host and kvm guest?
> Will I have to do something at the DB level to get this correct or is
> there a GUI method of sorting it out?
> Thoughts?
> James

Adding the correct VIRTUAL_SYSTEM_ID in the RHNVIRTUALINSTANCE table
seems to join everything up properly.... but I would have thought this
should be (or at least would be better) if it could be done
automatically with rhn-profile-sync...


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