[Spacewalk-list] Feature comparison of Satellite vs. Spacewalk

Aaron Prayther aprayther at LCE.com
Mon Nov 1 14:40:45 UTC 2010

In the past I don't think you could manage RHEL entitled boxes with Spacewalk, it was Fedora, CentOS or other compatible distros with public yum repos.

It appears that you can use Spacewalk to manage RHEL boxes now.

I have been working with James Labocki on a systems management configuration setup that automates the life cycle of STIG'd RHEL servers using subversion (forge.mil), puppet, Satellite server, Tresys CLIP (in the future SecState).  It pretty simply ties these pieces together with an RPM build environment that we package everything, including puppet content for server configuration and STIG compliance to be distributed via Satellite.  

The glue is a handful of scripts that automates the pushing and pulling of things in subversion and then building Satellite channels and kickstart cfgs based on directory structure; dev-rhel5-x86_64-channel/kickstart.

If I can replace Satellite with Spacewalk for the purpose of making all this available to anyone that wants to check it out as a proof of concept for their needs.  I'm trying to raise the visibility of sysadmin best practices and making a working model openly available.

Is that more clear?  Thank you and best regards,

Aaron Prayther

-----Original Message-----
From: Miroslav Suchý [mailto:msuchy at redhat.com] 
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 10:16 AM
To: spacewalk-list at redhat.com
Cc: Aaron Prayther
Subject: Re: [Spacewalk-list] Feature comparison of Satellite vs. Spacewalk

On 11/01/2010 02:34 PM, Aaron Prayther wrote:
> I have a systems management infrastructure using Satellite, subversion,
> puppet and OVAL for a customer and wanted to fully understand the
> differences between Spacewalk and Satellite.

Spacewalk is upstream to RHN Satellite. It is the same as Fedora is 
upstream for Red Hat Enteprise Linux.
So we in some moment decide that some snapshot of Spacewalk will be base 
of RHN Satellite. We do a lot of testing, fixing, stabilizing and in the 
meantime Spacewalk continue in its own development.

Once released, we support it, provide training, certifications and fix 
the bugs which RHN Satellite customers reports.
No one cares about this in Spacewalk.

> I'm wondering if I can
> reproduce my solution I have now in an environment that I can readily
> have available on a public facing web site.  Still being able to manage
> RHEL entitled boxes.

Not sure if I understood your question here.

Miroslav Suchy
Red Hat Satellite Engineering

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