[Spacewalk-list] What is the process for removing a system from spacewalk?

Jan Pazdziora jpazdziora at redhat.com
Tue Oct 5 16:27:28 UTC 2010

On Tue, Oct 05, 2010 at 11:23:12AM -0400, Jet Wilda wrote:
>                 What would be the process of converting a system back to
> using the repositories in /etc/yum.repos.d and not use the spacewalk
> server anymore?  I'm guessing it will be more than just re-enabling the
> repos and deleting the system from spacewalk?  Do I need to remove
> yum-rhn-plugin,  rhn-check, rhn-setup, and rhnsd?  Or can I just disable
> them?

It really depends what you plan to do.

If you just want the system to use yum repos and disable
yum-rhn-plugin, edit


and set enabled = 0.

If you just remove the profile from Spacewalk (via WebUI, for
example), it should also work, even if you will likely get
errors about missing / unknown credentials.

If you want to make the system believe that it was not registered
to Spacewalk but keep the profile in Spacewalk (for whatever reason),
remove or rename away /etc/sysconfig/rhn/systemid.

Jan Pazdziora
Principal Software Engineer, Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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