[Spacewalk-list] Modification of PGSQL queries

Michael Mraka michael.mraka at redhat.com
Wed Aug 10 12:24:20 UTC 2011

Pierre Casenove wrote:
% Hello,
% Could you please review my modified queries?
% I also ran into another error 500 pgsql on page
% /network/software/packages/target_system_list.pxt
% I've modified query "potential_systems_for_package" in file
% /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/RHN/DB/DataSource/xml/System_queries.xml
% and replace the NVL keyword by coalesce:
% SELECT  S.id
%   FROM  rhnPackage P, rhnChannelPackage CP, rhnServerChannel SC, rhnServer S
%  WHERE  S.org_id = :org_id
%    AND  SC.server_id = S.id
%    AND  SC.channel_id = CP.channel_id
%    AND  CP.package_id = :pid
%    AND  CP.package_id = P.id
%            FROM rhnServerPackage SP, rhnPackageEvr PE
%           WHERE SP.name_id = P.name_id
%             AND SP.server_id = S.id
%             AND SP.evr_id = PE.id), (EVR_T(NULL, '0', '0'))
%             )
%         <
%         (SELECT EVR FROM rhnPackageEVR PE WHERE PE.id = P.evr_id)
%    AND    EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM rhnUserServerPerms USP WHERE USP.user_id =
% :user_id AND USP.server_id = S.id)
% ORDER BY  UPPER(NVL(S.NAME, '(none)')), S.ID

Pierre please send the changes as patches (diffs). From the outout above
it's hard to guess what the actual change is.

I've commited NVL->COALESCE change to master. New package
(spacewalk-base-1.6.11-1) should be available in a moment.

% Thanks in advance for the review.
% Pierre


Michael Mráka
Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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