[Spacewalk-list] Server Name Change

Wojtak, Greg GregWojtak at quickenloans.com
Tue Jan 11 14:34:23 UTC 2011

On 1/11/11 2:44 AM, "Jan Pazdziora" <jpazdziora at redhat.com> wrote:

>On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 04:51:43PM -0500, Wojtak, Greg wrote:
>> This page claims to be out of date and references a page that instructs
>> to run a script.  That script does not exist.  Which set of instructions
>> is correct?
>    Where do I find the script?
>    spacewalk-hostname-rename is a part of spacewalk-utils
>    package.
>So I suggest you start with spacewalk-utils.
>Jan Pazdziora
>Principal Software Engineer, Satellite Engineering, Red Hat
>Spacewalk-list mailing list
>Spacewalk-list at redhat.com

Brilliant!  That worked to get the hostname changed and clients can
register and pick up updates.  It seems that jabberd is still being
finicky, though, and I now know that it has more to do with what I am
trying to do with my set up instead of renaming the host.  I built a
spacewalk host behind our firewall that we want to be able to access from
certain hosts out on the Internet.  My current set up has the host with an
internal IP address and I've set up a VIP and dns record on the firewall
and opened ports 80, 443, and 5222.  However, I keep getting certficate
errors when trying to start osa-dispatcher and osad on the clients.  I
suspect this is because of the naming/IP mish-mash that is going on, as
I've verified the certificate's CN matches the hosts the spacewalk clients
are registered to (I am using the external name even for internal clients)
and the CA trusted keys spacewalk-setup generated for me are all correct
as well.  Is there a more "proper" method to do this (ie, keep spacewalk
behind a firewall)?  I'm not opposed to having it sit out in front of our
firewall, but I'd rather not if I didn't have to.



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