[Spacewalk-list] OSA Clients and Spacewalk Proxy

Wojtak, Greg GregWojtak at quickenloans.com
Tue Mar 15 14:31:25 UTC 2011

Hi all,

I've worked out my issues I've had with spacewalk clients having their scheduled actions picked up using OSA/Jabber.  However, it seems I'm still having issues with clients that are in a DMZ talking to spacewalk proxy.  I've modified the sm.xml on the proxy to remove the roster modules, I've updated to spacewalk and spacewalk client 1.3 on the proxy and clients, and I've removed the jabber databases on the proxy so they could be recreated.  The servers still show as 'Offline as of unknown' in spacewalk.  Based on the documentation, on the firewall between the two hosts, I've got 80, 443, and 5269 open from the proxy to the main server and I've got 80, 443, and 5222 open from the main server to the proxy.  Is this this the correct configuration?  Does anyone have any suggestions or any experience with similar issues?



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