[Spacewalk-list] Exclude some packages/Include only somes packages in a software channel

Baptiste AGASSE baptiste.agasse at lyra-network.com
Thu Mar 24 17:37:39 UTC 2011

Hi all,

I use spacewalk for some times (now in 1.3) and i have a little question
for you.

Before using spacewalk, i used cobbler to manage and mirror locally
repositories like CentOS 5.x, EPEL... and i was abble to define what
package i want to mirror (for example, EPEL repo have a lot of packages
but i use only a few of them) and their dependencies.

I saw that spacewalk use cobbler for distros, but not for channel repo

So, my question is: Is it possible to filter which package to download
from remote repository (with an "download only" or "exclude" condition) ?
And, if not:
Anybody have the same problem ?
It will be included in future spacewalk version ?

In "channels -> Manage software channels -> Manage repositories", when
you create/edit a repository, you only have a "label" and "url" fields.

I know that the workaround would be to use yumdownloader to download
wanted packages and their dependecies, and then use rhn_push to get it
in a channel. But if this feature is useful for a lot of people, it will
be simpler to ad it directly in spacewalk :)

Thank you in advance for your answers.



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