[Spacewalk-list] Solaris Systems in Spacewalk?

Wojtak, Greg GregWojtak at quickenloans.com
Fri Mar 25 14:22:16 UTC 2011

We're looking at managing our Solaris systems in Spacewalk.  This would strictly be for managing patches, running remote commands and configuration file management (ie, no provisioning or monitoring is desired).  I had a few questions that I was hoping someone might have some input on:

 1.  Is Solaris support in Spacewalk "there?"  That is, is it something you would use to manage your production systems?  We use it to manage our prod RHEL and Cent systems, but is Solaris support less mature than for Linux?
 2.  I noticed on the client I set up that there is no OSA client.  Is that correct?  Does that mean that scheduled tasks could take anywhere between 1 second and 1 hour (after modifying the rhnsd configuration) to be picked up?
 3.  In the documentation on the wiki, it said I should be able to run solaris2mpm 10_Recommended.zip.  That does not work.  I had to unzip the patch bundle, create a zip file for each individual patch, and then run solaris2mpm on each of those.  Is this a bug or a problem with documentation or - heaven forbid - am I doing something wrong?
 4.  Overall, does anyone have any opinion how managing Solaris patches in Spacewalk compares to using Solaris PCA (Patch Check Advanced)?

I'd appreciate any input or insight at all into these questions or anything else you could think of regarding Solaris support in Spacewalk.


Greg Wojtak

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