[Spacewalk-list] check_probe does not exist popup error on Overview screen

Dale Bewley dale at fedoraproject.org
Thu Mar 31 01:39:05 UTC 2011

I have the same problem as described here

After logging in or clicking the Overview tab, a popup proclaims "error"
with only an OK button.

2011-03-30 18:15:08,151 [TP-Processor3] ERROR
com.redhat.rhn.common.db.datasource.CachedStatement - Error while
processing cached statement sql: SELECT C.description,
       count(p.recid) probe_count,
       count(S.id) server_count
  FROM rhn_probe P, rhn_command C, rhn_command_groups CG, rhnServer S,
       rhn_probe_state PS, rhnUserServerPerms USP
  where P.command_id = C.recid
    AND C.group_name = CG.group_name
    AND P.recid = PS.probe_id
    AND PS.state = ?
    AND P.customer_id = ?
    AND S.id = (SELECT host_id from check_probe where probe_id =
   AND  USP.user_id = ?
   AND  USP.server_id = S.id
  GROUP BY CG.description, C.description
ORDER BY CG.description
com.redhat.rhn.common.db.WrappedSQLException: ERROR: relation
"check_probe" does not exist

I didn't see anything of note in /var/log/rhn/populate_db.log but the
query in the error refers to check_probe, but that doesn't seem to exist
in the database. But rhn_check_probe does.
Also, /etc/sysconfig/rhn/postgres/main.sql seems to validate that to be

spaceschema=# \d check_probe
Did not find any relation named "check_probe".

spaceschema=# \d rhn_check_probe
                            Table "public.rhn_check_probe"
     Column     |         Type          |
 probe_id       | smallint              | not null
 probe_type     | character varying(12) | not null default
'check'::character varying
 host_id        | smallint              | not null
 sat_cluster_id | smallint              | not null
    "rhn_chkpb_probe_id_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (probe_id)
    "rhn_chkpb_host_id_idx" btree (host_id)
    "rhn_chkpb_sat_cluster_id_idx" btree (sat_cluster_id)
Check constraints:
    "chkpb_probe_type_ck" CHECK (probe_type::text = 'check'::text)
    "vn_rhn_check_probe_probe_type" CHECK (probe_type::text <> ''::text)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "rhn_chkpb_host_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (host_id) REFERENCES
    "rhn_chkpb_recid_probe_typ_fk" FOREIGN KEY (probe_id, probe_type)
REFERENCES rhn_probe(recid, probe_type) ON DELETE CASCADE
    "rhn_chkpb_satcl_sat_cl_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (sat_cluster_id)
REFERENCES rhn_sat_cluster(recid) ON DELETE CASCADE

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