[Spacewalk-list] repo sync not updating after 1.3 -> 1.4 migration

Michael Mraka michael.mraka at redhat.com
Mon May 9 08:18:40 UTC 2011

Nat N wrote:
% Hello,
% after migrating to 1.4 from 1.3 when i do a repo sync it does not seem
% to "save" changes
% An example:
% xenon:/var/log# /usr/bin/spacewalk-repo-sync --channel
% centos5-updates-x86_64 --url
% file:///var/www/mrepo/centos5-x86_64/RPMS.updates/ --type yum
% Repo file:///var/www/mrepo/centos5-x86_64/RPMS.updates/ has 473 packages.
% 1/2 : tzdata-java-2011b-1.el5-0.x86_64
% 2/2 : tzdata-2011b-1.el5-0.x86_64
% Repo file:///var/www/mrepo/centos5-x86_64/RPMS.updates/ has 0 errata.
% Sync complete
% xenon:/var/log# /usr/bin/spacewalk-repo-sync --channel
% centos5-updates-x86_64 --url
% file:///var/www/mrepo/centos5-x86_64/RPMS.updates/ --type yum
% Repo file:///var/www/mrepo/centos5-x86_64/RPMS.updates/ has 473 packages.
% 1/2 : tzdata-java-2011b-1.el5-0.x86_64
% 2/2 : tzdata-2011b-1.el5-0.x86_64
% Repo file:///var/www/mrepo/centos5-x86_64/RPMS.updates/ has 0 errata.
% Sync complete
% As you can see although it thinks the sync is complete, it seems to
% not actually do anything. This is happening on all my repositories.
% Any ideas?

I've seen this couple of times... it's most likely caused by changed
signature. I.e. there are already tzdata and tzdata-java packages in the
channel while they were resigned by a different key in the repo (so the
package checksum has changed).

I've fixed spacewalk-repo-sync (spacewalk-backend-1.5.17-1 in nightly) and
it's now able to overcome this issue.

As for older spacewalk - you can workaround this by deleting rpm from
/var/satellite and subsequent sync will fix it.


Michael Mráka
Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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