[Spacewalk-list] Web-ui error when listing systems in a Monitoring Probe Suite

Eric M. Hudish hudish at zedxinc.com
Fri Oct 14 16:47:19 UTC 2011

Hi all,

Pretty new user here, but loving Spacewalk so far. We came across this
probe suite issue as well...

To reproduce :

Monitoring -> Probe Suites -> [Select one] -> Systems

We receive an Internal Server Error- Catalina provides a query:

SELECT distinct s.id, s.name,
                   MAX(CASE statps.state
                       WHEN 'OK' THEN 1
                       WHEN 'PENDING' THEN 2
                       WHEN 'UNKNOWN' THEN 3
                       WHEN 'WARNING' THEN 4
                       WHEN 'CRITICAL' THEN 5 END)
           WHEN 1 THEN 'OK'
           WHEN 2 THEN 'PENDING'
           WHEN 3 THEN 'UNKNOWN'
           WHEN 4 THEN 'WARNING'
           WHEN 5 THEN 'CRITICAL' END ) ST
           FROM  rhn_check_probe statcp
           LEFT JOIN rhn_probe_state statps
             ON s.id = statcp.host_id
          WHERE statcp.probe_id = statps.probe_id
          GROUP BY s.id ) status
FROM rhn_check_suites cs,
     rhn_check_suite_probe csp,
     rhn_service_probe_origins spo,
     rhn_check_probe cp,
     rhn_probe_state ps,
     rhnServer s
WHERE cs.recid = ?
  and csp.check_suite_id = cs.recid
  and spo.origin_probe_id = csp.probe_id
  and cp.probe_id = spo.service_probe_id
  and ps.probe_id = cp.probe_id
  and s.id = cp.host_id
com.redhat.rhn.common.db.WrappedSQLException: ORA-00904: "S"."ID":
invalid identifier

I found the query in the following resource:


Hope this helps someone figure a fix.

Eric M. Hudish
ZedX, Incorporated

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