[Spacewalk-list] Kickstart-related 500 errors

Martin Eggen mare at steria.no
Wed Sep 7 19:17:40 UTC 2011

I am bare-metal kickstarting some servers (RHEL5 on Spacewalk 1.5) and seem to experience some errors:
Initial access to the distribution fails with 500 errors (kickstart configuration loads OK but further download of distribution files fails):

The following exception occurred while executing this request:
GET /rhn/common/DownloadFile.do
javax.servlet.ServletException: query did not return a unique result: 4

After trying some times I see a corresponding list of "Kickstart session created but has not yet been used" in the "Scheduled to kickstart" list in the UI.
Workaround: I made the distribution tree available under the /pub/ directory of the web server and changed the -url field in Advanced options.

I had also created two distributions, but wanted to delete one of them (seems the distribution files I made available in my workaround was a beta release). Deletion of the tree fails from the UI:
The following exception occurred while executing this request:
POST /rhn/kickstart/TreeDelete.do
javax.servlet.ServletException: Executing query Channel.findByIdAndUserId with params {userId=162, cid=null} failed

(I see someone else also experienced this error).

The first error is the most serious one, is this a known error in 1.5 ? (Google could not help me).


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