[Spacewalk-list] Bare Metal Provisioning with Spacewalk/Cobbler

Wojtak, Greg (Superfly) GregWojtak at quickenloans.com
Mon Apr 2 15:32:10 UTC 2012

I've been provisioning both Vmware virtual machines and physical hardware successfully with Spacewalk and it's great.  Our process is still not as graceful as I want it to be because we have to provision our servers in a specific VLAN and then migrate the server to it's final destination on the network after provisioning is complete.  Cobbler has been doing a splendid job of configuring the new network information when I add the system record at the command line.

I was wondering if there is a way to add cobbler system records via spacewalk?  It gets a little cumbersome having to switch between CLI and web UI in order to get a new system provisioned.



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