[Spacewalk-list] Error : 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable when I used RHNPUSH

Michael Mraka michael.mraka at redhat.com
Wed Feb 15 11:11:04 UTC 2012

Ludovic BRACHET wrote:
% Hi,
% To continue my story, I tried to setup spacewalk 1.4 and 1.6 on a RHEL 5.7.

Hello Ludovic,

I tried to reproduce your issue but it worked for me as expected.
On the other hand setting useNoSSLForPackages=1 turns off not only https
but also location aware updates i.e. packages from RHN are provided by a
content delivery network (CDN). So I guess you are behind a strict
firewall which don't let you to go to CDN but only to RHN.

So you probably need to update your firewall settings as described on

% Hi all,
% I use Spacewalk 1.6 on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2
% (Santiago).
% I have 2 problems.
% 1)
% On the RHEL 6 (which is subscribe on the RHN), I install the
% "spacewalk-repo-1.6-1.el6.noarch.rpm", and when I update with "yum
% update", it downloads some rhn* package, then, I have the error
% "Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml)".  To correct it, I
% must set the parameter to "useNoSSLForPackages=1" instead of
% "useNoSSLForPackages=0".
% Then, I'm able to do a successful "yum update".
% It only appears when the repository spacewalk is used then, RHEL
% downloads some "rhn*" package from it.


Michael Mráka
Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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