[Spacewalk-list] 500 ISE (Timeout) When Updating Kickstart Profile?

Wojtak, Greg (Superfly) GregWojtak at quickenloans.com
Fri Feb 17 14:06:56 UTC 2012

Hi there,

Spacewalk 1.6
Cent 6.2 (64-bit)

Has anyone else run into an issue where, when updating a kickstart profile (or cloning, or doing anything with it really) that you consistently time out with a 500 error after the request times out?

What I'm seeing looks to be nothing more than the query (queries?) taking too long to run.  I can see the queries while I'm waiting for a response after I hit the "Update Profile" button.  Eventually, when the request times out and the query finally finishes and I browse back into Spacewalk, I get the message at the top of the screen that the profile has been updated successfully (and indeed it appears it has been).

I've increased the HTTP timeout to 300 seconds (from 120) to try and work around this, but should it really take five minutes to update a profile?

The one query I was able to capture during this was:
SELECT CP.package_id, CP.name_id, CP.evr_id, CP.package_arch_id FROM rhnPackageName PN inner join rhnChannelNewestPackage CP on CP.name_id = PN.id inner join rhnChannel C on C.id = Cp.channel_id  inner join rhnPackage P on P.id = CP.package_id inner join rhnPackageEvr EVR on P.evr_id = EVR.id  WHERE ( C.id = $1 or C.parent_channel = $2) AND PN.name = $3 AND C.label not like '%beta%' order by EVR.evr DESC

(sorry for the bad formatting)

I'm not sure what the $1, $2, and $3 are (I presume this is calling some sort of a procedure and those are arguments).



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