[Spacewalk-list] ISE when rhnpushing Solaris Patches

Pierre Casenove pcasenove at gmail.com
Wed Jul 4 08:05:42 UTC 2012

Hello list,
I have generated the 348 mpm files corresponding to the latest Solaris
10 patch cluster, and I'm trying to rhnpush them.
rhnpush --username=administrator --password=<XXXXXXX>
--channel=solaris-10-sparc-patches --server=http://server/APP --dir
And I get the following error:
Error pushing /home/solaris/mpm/patch-solaris-143513-02-1.sparc-solaris-patch.mpm:
Error 500 (500)
Waiting 1 seconds and trying again...
Internal server error 500 Internal Server Error

SQLStatementPrepareError: ('column "\'1.4 REV=2006.03.29\'" does not
exist\nCONTEXT:  Error occurred on dblink connection named "at_conn":
could not execute command.\nSQL statement "SELECT
dblink_exec(\'at_conn\',  $1 , true)"\nPL/pgSQL function
"pg_dblink_exec" line 4 at PERFORM\nSQL statement "SELECT
pg_dblink_exec( \'insert into rhnPackageEVR(id, epoch, version,
release, evr) values (\' ||  $1  || \', \' || coalesce(quote_literal(
$2 ), \'NULL\') || \', \' || coalesce(quote_literal( $3 ), \'NULL\')
|| \', \' || coalesce(quote_literal( $4 ), \'NULL\') || \', \' ||
evr_t(coalesce(quote_literal( $2 ), \'NULL\'), coalesce(quote_literal(
$3 ), \'NULL\'), coalesce(quote_literal( $4 ), \'NULL\')) || \')\'
)"\nPL/pgSQL function "lookup_evr" line 14 at PERFORM\n', 0, 'select
LOOKUP_EVR(%(epoch)s, %(version)s, %(release)s) id from dual')

I attached the complete stack trace.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

-------------- next part --------------
Exception reported from server
Time: Wed Jul  4 07:58:09 2012
Exception type spacewalk.server.rhnSQL.sql_base.SQLStatementPrepareError
Exception while handling function server.apacheUploadServer._wrapper
Request object information:
Remote Host:
Server Name: server:0
Headers passed in:
	Accept-Encoding: identity
	Content-Length: 67471
	Content-Type: application/x-rpm
	Host: server
	User-Agent: rhnpush
	X-RHN-Upload-Auth-Session: 5963xd8a0b5727fedd9244b37bc442798ee28
	X-RHN-Upload-File-Checksum: 41015c7c0b796b82b7bdca35f2ad8430
	X-RHN-Upload-File-Checksum-Type: md5
	X-RHN-Upload-File-MD5sum: 41015c7c0b796b82b7bdca35f2ad8430
	X-RHN-Upload-Force: 0
	X-RHN-Upload-Package-Arch: sparc-solaris-patch
	X-RHN-Upload-Package-Name: patch-solaris-143513
	X-RHN-Upload-Package-Release: 1
	X-RHN-Upload-Package-Version: 02
	X-RHN-Upload-Packaging: mpm

Exception Handler Information
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/apacheUploadServer.py", line 100, in _wrapper
    ret = function(req)
  File "/usr/share/rhn/upload_server/handlers/package_push/package_push.py", 
line 126, in handler
    relative_path=self.rel_package_path, org_id=self.org_id)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/rhnPackageUpload.py", line 144, in push_package
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/importlib/importLib.py", line 626, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/importlib/packageImport.py", line 304, in fix
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/importlib/packageImport.py", line 358, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/importlib/packageImport.py", line 385, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/importlib/packageImport.py", line 411, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/importlib/backend.py", line 388, in lookupEVRs
    h.execute(epoch=epoch, version=version, release=release)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/spacewalk/server/rhnSQL/sql_base.py", 
line 163, in execute
    return apply(self._execute_wrapper, (self._execute, ) + p, kw)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/rhnSQL/driver_postgresql.py", line 282, in 
    retval = apply(function, p, kw)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/spacewalk/server/rhnSQL/sql_base.py", 
line 217, in _execute
    return self._execute_(args, kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/rhnSQL/driver_postgresql.py", line 295, in _execute_
    self._real_cursor.execute(self.sql, params)
SQLStatementPrepareError: ('column "\'1.4 REV=2006.03.29\'" does not 
exist\nCONTEXT:  Error occurred on dblink connection named "at_conn": could 
not execute command.\nSQL statement "SELECT  dblink_exec(\'at_conn\',  $1 , 
true)"\nPL/pgSQL function "pg_dblink_exec" line 4 at PERFORM\nSQL statement 
"SELECT  pg_dblink_exec( \'insert into rhnPackageEVR(id, epoch, version, 
release, evr) values (\' ||  $1  || \', \' || coalesce(quote_literal( $2 ), 
\'NULL\') || \', \' || coalesce(quote_literal( $3 ), \'NULL\') || \', \' || 
coalesce(quote_literal( $4 ), \'NULL\') || \', \' || 
evr_t(coalesce(quote_literal( $2 ), \'NULL\'), coalesce(quote_literal( $3 ), 
\'NULL\'), coalesce(quote_literal( $4 ), \'NULL\')) || \')\' )"\nPL/pgSQL 
function "lookup_evr" line 14 at PERFORM\n', 0, 'select LOOKUP_EVR(%(epoch)s, 
%(version)s, %(release)s) id from dual')

Local variables by frame
Frame _execute_ in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/rhnSQL/driver_postgresql.py at line 295
	                self = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.rhnSQL.driver_postgresql.Cursor instance at 0x2ab0415bb440>
	                args = <type 'tuple'> ()
	              params = <type 'instance'> {'release': 
'1_PSTAMP_2006.', 'epoch': None, 'version': '1.4 REV=2006.03.29'}
	              kwargs = <type 'dict'> {'release': 
'1_PSTAMP_2006.', 'epoch': None, 'version': '1.4 REV=2006.03.29'}

Frame _execute in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/rhnSQL/sql_base.py at line 217
	                self = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.rhnSQL.driver_postgresql.Cursor instance at 0x2ab0415bb440>
	                args = <type 'tuple'> ()
	                 val = <type 'str'> 1_PSTAMP_2006.
	              kwargs = <type 'dict'> {'release': 
'1_PSTAMP_2006.', 'epoch': None, 'version': '1.4 REV=2006.03.29'}

Frame _execute_wrapper in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/rhnSQL/driver_postgresql.py at line 287
	            function = <type 'instancemethod'> <bound method 
Cursor._execute of <spacewalk.server.rhnSQL.driver_postgresql.Cursor instance 
at 0x2ab0415bb440>>
	                   e = <type 'instance'> column "'1.4 REV=2006.03.29'" 
does not exist
CONTEXT:  Error occurred on dblink connection named "at_conn": could not 
execute command.
SQL statement "SELECT  dblink_exec('at_conn',  $1 , true)"
PL/pgSQL function "pg_dblink_exec" line 4 at PERFORM
SQL statement "SELECT  pg_dblink_exec( 'insert into rhnPackageEVR(id, epoch, 
version, release, evr) values (' ||  $1  || ', ' || coalesce(quote_literal( $2 
), 'NULL') || ', ' || coalesce(quote_literal( $3 ), 'NULL') || ', ' || 
coalesce(quote_literal( $4 ), 'NULL') || ', ' || evr_t(coalesce(quote_literal( 
$2 ), 'NULL'), coalesce(quote_literal( $3 ), 'NULL'), coalesce(quote_literal( 
$4 ), 'NULL')) || ')' )"
PL/pgSQL function "lookup_evr" line 14 at PERFORM

	                self = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.rhnSQL.driver_postgresql.Cursor instance at 0x2ab0415bb440>
	               value = <type 'str'> 1.4 REV=2006.03.29
	                   p = <type 'tuple'> ()
	                  kw = <type 'dict'> {'release': 
'1_PSTAMP_2006.', 'epoch': None, 'version': '1.4 REV=2006.03.29'}
	                 key = <type 'str'> version
	              params = <type 'str'> release: 
1_PSTAMP_2006.,epoch: None,version: 1.4 REV=2006.03.29

Frame execute in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/rhnSQL/sql_base.py at line 163
	                   p = <type 'tuple'> ()
	                self = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.rhnSQL.driver_postgresql.Cursor instance at 0x2ab0415bb440>
	                  kw = <type 'dict'> {'release': 
'1_PSTAMP_2006.', 'epoch': None, 'version': '1.4 REV=2006.03.29'}

Frame lookupEVRs in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/importlib/backend.py at line 388
	                   h = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.rhnSQL.driver_postgresql.Cursor instance at 0x2ab0415bb440>
	                self = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.importlib.backendOracle.PostgresqlBackend instance at 
	             evrHash = <type 'dict'> {('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6139, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6140, ('', '3.7.2', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2010.'): 6141, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6142, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6143, ('', '5.1', 
'34.20060120_PSTAMP_5_1_REV_patch_04_01_20_11'): 6144, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): 6145, ('', '10.0.0', 
'2007.05.24_PSTAMP_2008.'): 6146, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6147, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6148, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6149, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6150, ('', '1.3', 
'2005.'): 6151, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6152, ('', '1.5', 
'2005.08.29_PSTAMP_2009.'): 6153, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6154, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6155, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6156, ('', '1.0', 
'2005.'): 6157, ('', '2.6.0', 
''): 5726, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6158, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6159, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6160, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6161, ('', '2.6.0', 
''): 6162, ('', '3', 
'10.4.24_PSTAMP_2011.'): 6163, ('', '3.7.2', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2004.'): 5731, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6164, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6165, ('', '1.7.0', 
'2011.'): 6166, ('', '', 
AMP_2011.'): 6167, ('', '11.11', 
'2005.'): 6168, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6169, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6170, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6171, ('', '11.8', 
'2005.'): 6172, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6173, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6174, ('', '1.6', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2004.'): 5794, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6175, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6176, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): 6177, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6178, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6179, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6180, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6181, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6182, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6183, ('', '1.0', 
'2005.'): 6184, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6185, ('', '0.9.5', 
''): 5782, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6186, ('', '1.2', 
'2005.'): 6028, ('', '2.6.0', 
''): 6187, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6188, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6189, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6190, ('', '2.7.0', 
''): 6191, ('', '1.1.0', 
'2006.'): 5987, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6192, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6193, ('', '11.10.0', '200!
15.53_PSTAMP_2009.'): 6194, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6195, ('', '1.5.0', 
'2004.'): 6196, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6197, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6198, ('', '1.0', 
'2005.'): 6199, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6200, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6201, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6202, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6203, ('', '1.0', 
'2004.'): 5741, ('', '10.0.0', 
'2005.08.31_PSTAMP_2008.'): 6204, ('', '1.6', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2010.'): 6205, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6206, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6207, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6208, ('', '0.1', 
'2005.'): 6209, ('', '1.0.127', 
''): 6210, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 5884, ('', '11.10', 
'2005.'): 6211, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6212, ('', '1.6', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2010.'): 6213, ('', '1.6.0', 
'2006.'): 6214, ('', '2.0', 
'15_PSTAMP_prodvers_2_2_4_2_patch_123893_22_Mar_16_10'): 6215, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6216, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6217, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6218, ('', '1.1.0', 
'2006.'): 5724, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6219, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6220, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6221, ('', '10.0', '!
09.12.00_PSTAMP_2004.'): 6105, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): 6222, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 5719, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6223, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): 6224, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6225, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6226, ('', '', 
'0.2007.11.20_PSTAMP_2008.'): 6227, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6228, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): 6229, ('', '11.10', 
'2007.'): 6230, ('', '2.0', 
'2005.'): 6231, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6232, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6233, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6234, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2009.'): 6235, ('', '', 
'0.2008.02.15_PSTAMP_2008.'): 5969, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6236, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6237, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6238, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6239, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6240, ('', '', 
'0.2004.12.15_PSTAMP_2004.'): 5862, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6241, ('', '1.1.0', 
'2006.'): 5922, ('', '10.0.0', 
'2004.12.10_PSTAMP_2009.'): 6242, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6243, ('', '1.1', 
''): 5765, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6244, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6245, ('', '', 
'0.2004.12.15_PSTAMP_2004.'): 5733, ('', '20.!
''): 6246, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6247, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6248, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6249, ('', '4.2', 
'2.0.73_PSTAMP_2004.'): 5934, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6250, ('', '10.0.0', 
'2004.11.18_PSTAMP_2004.'): 6251, ('', '10.0.0', 
'2005.'): 6252, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): 6253, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6254, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6255, ('', '2.3.3', 
''): 6256, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6010, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6257, ('', '0.1', 
'2005.'): 5927, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6258, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6259, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6260, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2009.'): 6261, ('', '11.10', 
'2005.'): 6262, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6263, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6264, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6265, ('', '1.6', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2010.'): 6266, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6267, ('', '2.6.0', 
''): 5792, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6268, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6269, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6270, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6271, ('', '', 
'2008.'): 627!
 2, ('', 
'13.1', '2005.'): 6273, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6274, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6275, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6276, ('', '1.6.0', 
'2006.'): 6277, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6278, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6279, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6280, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6281, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6282, ('', '2.6.0', 
''): 6283, ('', '11.9', 
'2005.'): 6284, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6285, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6286, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6287, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6288, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 5805, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6289, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6290, ('', '1.0', 
'2005.'): 6291, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6292, ('', '1.0', 
'2007.'): 6293, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6294, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2009.'): 6295, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6296, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6297, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6298, ('', '2.3.3', 
''): 5732, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6299, ('', '1.1.0', 
'2006.'): 5714, ('', '11.10.0', 
.30.06.52'): 6300, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6301, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6302, ('', '11.10', 
'2005.'): 6303, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6304, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6305, ('', '5.10', 
'2004.12.18_PSTAMP_2011.'): 6306, ('', '2.24.2', 
'101.0.3_PSTAMP_2011.'): 6307, ('', '10.0.0', 
'2004.12.10_PSTAMP_2005.'): 6308, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6309, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6310, ('', '11.10', 
'2005.'): 6311, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6312, ('', '3.7.3', 
'1.2004.06.28_PSTAMP_2004.'): 5923, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6313, ('', '1.4 REV=2006.03.29', 
'1_PSTAMP_2006.'): None, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): None, ('', '1.7.0', 
'2011.'): None, ('', '', 
''): None, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): None, ('', '1.4', 
'2006.03.29_PSTAMP_2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2009.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '1.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '2.6.0', 
''): None, ('', '', 
'0.2006.10.13_PSTAMP_2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.11', 
'2005.'): No!
 ne, ('',
 '11.10.0', '2007.'): None, ('', '2.6.0', 
''): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2009.'): None, ('', '1.1.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '1.0', 
'2004.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '5.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '1.4', 
'2006.03.29_PSTAMP_2008.'): None, ('', '1.6.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2010.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '1.5.0', 
'2004.'): None, ('', '11.10', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '0.1', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '1.4', 
'2006.03.29_PSTAMP_2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.11', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '5.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '1.0', 
'10.2006.10.13_PSTAMP_2009.'): None, ('', '11.10.!
 0', '200'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '1.6', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2010.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '3.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.9', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '200.1.5', 
'2005.08.29_PSTAMP_2010.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '13.1', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '1.6.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '10.0.0', 
'2004.12.10_PSTAMP_2007.'): None, ('', '5.10', 
'2004.11.23_PSTAMP_2011.'): None, ('', '2.6.0', '!
5.21.37_PSTAMP_2010.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '2.1.3', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2010.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): None, ('', '2.6', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '', 
'0.2004.12.15_PSTAMP_2004.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '1.0.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '3.7.2', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2010.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '', 
'0.2004.12.15_PSTAMP_2004.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '10.0.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', '2!
1.15.53_PSTAMP_2012.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2009.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '2.6.0', 
''): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '13.1', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): None, ('', '1.6', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2010.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '1.0', 
'10.2006.07.18_PSTAMP_2009.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2011.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None}
	               epoch = <type 'NoneType'> None
	             version = <type 'str'> 1.4 REV=2006.03.29
	                 sql = <type 'str'> select LOOKUP_EVR(:epoch, :version, 
:release) id from dual
	             release = <type 'str'> 1_PSTAMP_2006.
	                 evr = <type 'tuple'> ('', '1.4 REV=2006.03.29', 
	                 row = <type 'dict'> {'id': 6313}

Frame __postprocessSolarisPatchPackages in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/importlib/packageImport.py at line 411
	             pkgDict = <type 'dict'> {'name': 'SUNWcsr', 'epoch': '', 
'version': '11.10.0', 'release': '2005.', 
'evr': ('', '11.10.0', '2005.'), 'pstamp': 
'on10-patch20100427083528', 'arch': 'sparc-solaris'}
	          pkgInfoObj = <type 'instance'> 
[<spacewalk.server.importlib.mpmSource.mpmSolarisPatchPackagesInfo instance; 
attributes={'patch_id': None, 'package_nevra_id': None}]
	                self = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.importlib.packageImport.PackageImport instance at 
	             package = <type 'instance'> <ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE: 
string representation too large>
	               field = <type 'str'> release
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None, 'SUNWj7cfg': None, 'SUNWust2.v': None, 'SUNWpostgr': None, 'SUNWrdsv3u': 
None, 'SUNWtltkm': None, 'SUNWflash-player-plugin': None, 'SUNWib': None, 
'FJSVvplr.us': None, 'SUNWthunderbird': None, 'SUNWsmpd': None, 'SUNWj5dev': 
None, 'SUNWxorg-tsol-module': None, 'SUNWxwfs': None, 'SUNWpostgr-jdbc': None, 
'SUNWsunpinyin': None, 'SUNWfcprt': None, 'SUNWhkplt': None, 'SUNWipplu': 
None, 'SUNWlibmsr': None, 'SUNWldomr.v': None, 'SUNWzfskr': None, 
'SUNWniumx.v': None, 'SUNWwbpro': None, 'SUNWwbapi': None, 'SUNWgnome-jdshelp-
share': None, 'SUNWmrsas': None, 'SUNWsmbac': None, 'SUNWgnome-print-devel': 
None, 'SUNWlxml': None, 'SUNWrcmdc': None, 'SUNWiscsitgtr': None, 'SUNWapdc': 
None, 'SUNWj6man': None, 'SUNWpostgr-docs': None, 'SUNWluzone': None, 
'SUNWsmbar': None, 'SUNWrcmds': None, 'SUNWpostgr-tclS': None, 'SUNWmdu': 
None, 'SUNWhxge': None, 'SUNWudapltr': None, 'SUNWpd': None, 'SUNWudapltu': 
None, 'SUNWmdr': None, 'SUNWj6cfg': None, 'SUNWrds': None, 'SUNWdmgtu': None, 
'SUNWxwts': None, 'SUNWgnome-print': None, 'SUNWbzip': None, 'SUNWmdb': None, 
'SUNWsmbaS': None, 'SUNWced.us': None, 'SUNWgnome-img-viewer-share': None, 
'SUNWmc': None, 'SUNWpkcs11kms': None, 'SUNWtsr': None, 'SUNWscsip': None, 
'SUNWtxplt': None, 'SUNWsndmu': None, 'SUNWipged': None, 'SUNWinst': None, 
'SUNWpostgr-pl': None, 'SUNWpostgr-server': None, 'SUNWkfbcf': None, 
'SUNWxwacx': None, 'SUNWwgetr': None, 'SUNWwgetu': None, 'SUNWtavor': None, 
'SUNWftpr': None, 'SUNWusb': None, 'SUNWftpu': None, 'SUNWpostgr-contrib': 
None, 'SUNWopenssl-include': None, 'SUNWscnsomr': None, 'SUNWvld': None, 
'SUNW1394': None, 'SUNWpl5v': None, 'SUNWwgetS': None, 'SUNWpl5u': None, 
'SUNWapch2S': None, 'SUNWapchS': None, 'SUNWj6dmo': None, 'SUNWgfbw': None, 
'SUNWipmiS': None, 'SUNWsmmgr': None, 'SUNWfmd': None, 'SUNWcea': None, 
'SUNWzipS': None, 'SUNWmgapp': None, 'SUNWtnetc': None, 'SUNWsshdr': None, 
'SUNWglh': None, 'SUNWperl584core': None, 'SUNWsfman': None, 'SUNWsckmr': 
None, 'SUNWpdu': None, !
mr': None, 'SUNWrge': None, 'SUNWgnome-img-editor': None, 'SUNWloc': None, 
'SUNWwbdev': None, 'SUNWscn-base': None, 'SUNWdrcr.u': None, 'SUNWinplt': 
None, 'SUNWsibi': None, 'SUNWsfwhea': None, 'TSImkow': None, 'SUNWdbus-
bindings-priv': None, 'SUNWj5rt': None, 'SUNWadmc': None, 'SUNWj7dmo': None, 
'SUNWnfscr': None, 'SUNWs9brandu': None, 'SUNWadmlib-sysid': None, 
'SUNWhermon': None, 'SUNWlibusbugen': None, 'SUNWscnprm': None, 'SUNWPython-
devel': None, 'SUNWj5dmo': None, 'TSIpgx.us': None, 'SUNWbindr': None, 
'SUNWxwopt': None, 'SUNWgnome-vfs': None, 'SUNWspnego': None, 'SUNWdtma': 
None, 'SUNWkvmt200.v': None, 'SUNWsfinf': None, 'SUNWtoo': None, 
'SUNWscsa1394': None, 'SUNWpostgr-tcl': None, 'SUNWvncviewer': None, 
'SUNWxim': None, 'SUNWpsm-ipp': None, 'SUNWsckmu.u': None, 'SUNWperl584usr': 
None, 'SUNWpppd': None, 'SUNWpiclu': None, 'FJSVcpcu': None, 'SUNWipoib': 
None, 'SUNWj6rt': None, 'SUNWssad': None, 'SUNWpng-devel': None, 'SUNWbcp': 
None, 'SUNWkfb.v': None, 'SUNWkfb.u': None, 'SUNWluxd.us': None, 'SUNWxwrtl': 
None, 'SUNWpool': None, 'SUNWj7jmp': None, 'SUNWs9brandr': None, 'SUNWgnome-
print-share': None, 'SUNWdrr.u': None, 'SUNWtltk': None, 'SUNWluxd.u': None, 
'SUNWgfbcf': None, 'SUNWlibusb': None, 'SUNWkvm.us': None, 'SUNWmfrun': None, 
'SUNWdtdmr': None, 'SUNWopenssl-commands': None, 'SUNWdtdmn': None, 
'SUNWatfsu': None, 'SUNWarcr': None, 'SUNWgss': None, 'SUNWpsu': None, 
'SUNWapmsc': None, 'SUNWcry': None, 'SUNWudfr': None, 'SUNWfmdr': None, 
'SUNWcslr': None, 'SUNWjdmk-base': None, 'SUNWfsmgtu': None, 'SUNWj6jmp': 
None, 'SUNWzip': None, 'SUNWgnome-vfs-share': None, 'SUNWcacaort': None, 
'SUNWvolu': None, 'SUNWust1.v': None, 'SUNWTiff-devel': None, 'SUNWadmap': 
None, 'SUNWhleu': None, 'SUNWolrte': None, 'FJSVmdbr': None, 'SUNWftdur': 
None, 'SUNWldomu.v': None, 'SUNWxcu4': None, 'SUNWxcu6': None, 'FJSVpiclu': 
None, 'SUNWmysqlr': None, 'SUNWmysqlu': None, 'SUNWmysqlt': None, 'SUNWinleu': 
None, 'SUNWj7dev': None, 'SUNWpostgr-82-server': None, 'SUNWopenssl-
libraries': None, 'SUNWlxslS': None, 'SUNWrcapu': None!
 , 'SUNWm
ysqlS': None, 'SUNWrpcib': None, 'SUNWcfpl': None, 'SUNWnfscu': None, 
'SUNWpostgr-devel': None, 'SUNWxwfnt': None, 'SUNWpostgr-82-server-data-root': 
None, 'SUNWdtdte': None, 'SUNWtnamd': None, 'SUNWpostgr-82S': None, 
'SUNWdcsr': None, 'SUNWppro-plugin-sunos-base': None, 'SUNWrmwbu': None, 
'SUNWrmwbr': None, 'SUNWxwxst': None, 'SUNWTiff': None, 'SUNWpapi': None, 
'SUNWsshcu': None, 'SUNWpostgr-82-contrib': None, 'SUNWefcr': None, 
'SUNWm64w': None, 'SUNWidn.u': None, 'SUNWapoc': None, 'SUNWupdatemgrr': None, 
'SUNWsshdu': None, 'SUNWdttshelp': None, 'SUNWnfsckr': None, 'SUNWupdatemgru': 
None, 'SUNWcnetr': None, 'SUNWiiimu': None, 'SUNWippcore': None, 
'SUNWs8brandr': None, 'SUNWs8brandu': None, 'SUNWxwsrv': None, 'SUNWtleu': 
None, 'SUNWpostgr-82-client': None, 'SUNWnfsskr': None, 'SUNWcakr.us': None, 
'SUNWcstl': None, 'SUNWofk': None, 'SUNWnisu': None, 'SUNWj5cfg': None, 
'SUNWkxplt': None, 'SUNWj7rt': None, 'SUNWPython-share': None, 'SUNWfss': 
None, 'SUNWcpcu': None, 'SUNWmpapi': None, 'FJSVmdb': None, 'SUNWdtinc': None, 
'SUNWiscsitgtu': None, 'SUNWpsdpr': None, 'SUNWsmbau': None, 'SUNWrsgk': None, 
'SUNWcakr.v': None, 'SUNWcakr.u': None, 'SUNWntpr': None, 'SUNWpng': None, 
'SUNWus.u': None, 'SUNWlucfg': None, 'SUNWrsg': None, 'SUNWcar.v': None, 
'SUNWhxplt': None, 'SUNWcar.u': None, 'SUNWdhcsu': None, 'FJSVhea': None, 
'SUNWn2cp.v': None, 'SUNWcryr': None, 'SUNWdtbas': None, 'SUNWkvm.u': None, 
'SUNWkvm.v': None, 'SUNWmcc': None, 'SUNWpcmem': None, 'SUNWesu': None, 
'SUNWarc': None, 'SUNWbip': None, 'SUNWpostgr-82-libs': None, 'SUNWkvm.c': 
None, 'SUNWkvm.d': None, 'SUNWscpu': None, 'SUNWgnome-base-libs': None, 
'SUNWkvm.m': None, 'SUNWdcar': None, 'SUNWffbw': None, 'SUNWkleu': None, 
'TSImkox.v': None, 'TSImkox.u': None, 'SUNWpprou': None, 'SUNWwbsup': None, 
'SUNWppror': None, 'SUNWpngS': None, 'SUNWudf': None, 'SUNWwebminr': None, 
'SUNWgnome-jdshelp': None, 'SUNWbnuu': None, 'SUNWwbmc': None, 'SUNWcdrw': 
None, 'SUNWtrku': None, 'SUNWgnome-text-editor': None, 'SUNWj7man': None, 
'SUNWdtrp': None, 'SUNWtnfc': None, 'S!
': None, 'SUNWced.v': None, 'SUNWintgige': None, 'SUNWzoneu': None, 
'SUNWrdsv3': None, 'SUNWdtrc': None, 'SUNWj5man': None, 'SUNWcart200.v': None, 
'SUNWtecla': None, 'SUNWsam': None, 'SUNWapchd': None, 'SUNWpmr': None, 
'SUNWapchr': None, 'SUNWapchu': None, 'SUNWpmu': None, 'SUNWfruip.u': None, 
'SUNWpostgr-libs': None, 'SUNWhmd': None, 'SUNWipfu': None, 'SUNWxwice': None, 
'SUNWlxml-python': None, 'SUNWgnome-vfs-devel': None, 'SUNWnfssr': None, 
'SUNWxwplt': None, 'SUNWnfssu': None, 'SUNWcvcr.u': None, 'SUNWscn-base-r': 
None, 'SUNWdtmad': None, 'SUNWipfh': None, 'SUNWefc.u': None, 'SUNWsmapi': 
None, 'SUNWpkgcmdsu': None, 'SUNWroute': None, 'SUNWcsu': None, 'SUNWcsr': 
None, 'SUNWcar.us': None, 'SUNWcsd': None, 'SUNWpostgr-82-devel': None, 
'SUNWcxplt': None, 'SUNWcsl': None, 'SUNWosdem': None, 'SUNWpostgr-82-pl': 
None, 'SUNWncau': None, 'SUNWefc.us': None, 'SUNWsamr': None, 'SUNWgnome-
print-devel-share': None, 'SUNWiopc.v': None, 'SUNWiopc.u': None, 'SUNWbzipS': 
None, 'SUNWwbcou': None, 'SUNWwbcor': None, 'SUNWkfbr': None, 'SUNWkfbw': 
None, 'SUNWmptsas': None, 'SUNWzfsu': None, 'SUNWzfsr': None, 'SUNWpostgr-
server-data': None, 'SUNWapbas': None, 'SUNWicud': None, 'SUNWdrr.us': None, 
'SUNWkrbu': None, 'SUNWkrbr': None, 'SUNWlxsl': None, 'SUNWmccom': None, 
'SUNWxwinc': None, 'SUNWgssk': None, 'SUNWadmfw': None, 'SUNWdtdst': None, 
'SUNWgssc': None, 'SUNWlxmlS': None, 'SUNWm64.u': None, 'SUNWses': None, 
'SUNWmdbr': None, 'SUNWigb': None, 'FJSVfmd': None, 'SUNWudaplu': None, 
'SUNWipplr': None, 'SUNWapch2r': None, 'SUNWapch2u': None, 'SUNWscnprmr': 
None, 'SUNWusat10.v': None, 'SUNWapch2d': None, 'SUNWgnome-wm-root': None, 
'SUNWscnsom': None, 'SUNWxwman': None, 'SUNWixgb': None, 'SUNWypu': None, 
'SUNWpostgr-jdbcS': None, 'SUNWipmi': None, 'SUNWluu': None, 'SUNWlur': None, 
'SUNWdttsu': None, 'SUNWpostgrS': None, 'SUNWmpsvplr': None, 'SUNWPython': 
None, 'SUNWibsdpu': None, 'SUNWaudit': None, 'SUNWhkleu': None, 'SUNWcedu': 
None, 'SUNWckr': None, 'TSImkomn': None, 'SUNWkdcu': None, 'TSIpgx.u': None, 
'SUNWbtool': None, '!
ls': None, 'SUNWpcu': None, 'SUNWsshu': None, 'SUNWibsdpib': None, 
'SUNWixgbe': None, 'SUNWgnome-wm': None, 'SUNWtcatS': None, 'SUNWlvmr': None, 
'SUNWaac': None, 'SUNWhea': None, 'SUNWlvmg': None, 'SUNWlvma': None, 
'SUNWpsm-lpd': None, 'SUNWxwpmn': None, 'SUNWtcatu': None, 'SUNWtcatr': None, 
'SUNWhleu2': None, 'SUNWicu': None, 'SUNWdtlog': None, 'SUNWgnome-im-client': 
None, 'SUNWj6dev': None, 'SUNWifp': None, 'FJSVvplr.u': None, 'SUNWglrt': 
None, 'SUNWdclnt': None, 'SUNWmpapir': None, 'SUNWcsmauth': None, 'SUNWxi18n': 
None, 'SUNWcpr.u': None, 'SUNWio-tools': None, 'SUNWlibm': None, 'SUNWnxge.v': 
None, 'SUNWnxge.u': None, 'SUNWm64.us': None}
	           checksums = <type 'dict'> {}
	                 evr = <type 'tuple'> ('', '11.10.0', 
	                evrs = <type 'dict'> {('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6139, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6140, ('', '3.7.2', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2010.'): 6141, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6142, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6143, ('', '5.1', 
'34.20060120_PSTAMP_5_1_REV_patch_04_01_20_11'): 6144, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): 6145, ('', '10.0.0', 
'2007.05.24_PSTAMP_2008.'): 6146, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6147, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6148, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6149, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6150, ('', '1.3', 
'2005.'): 6151, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6152, ('', '1.5', 
'2005.08.29_PSTAMP_2009.'): 6153, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6154, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6155, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6156, ('', '1.0', 
'2005.'): 6157, ('', '2.6.0', 
''): 5726, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6158, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6159, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6160, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6161, ('', '2.6.0', 
''): 6162, ('', '3', 
'10.4.24_PSTAMP_2011.'): 6163, ('', '3.7.2', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2004.'): 5731, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6164, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6165, ('', '1.7.0', 
'2011.'): 6166, ('', '', 
AMP_2011.'): 6167, ('', '11.11', 
'2005.'): 6168, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6169, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6170, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6171, ('', '11.8', 
'2005.'): 6172, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6173, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6174, ('', '1.6', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2004.'): 5794, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6175, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6176, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): 6177, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6178, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6179, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6180, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6181, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6182, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6183, ('', '1.0', 
'2005.'): 6184, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6185, ('', '0.9.5', 
''): 5782, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6186, ('', '1.2', 
'2005.'): 6028, ('', '2.6.0', 
''): 6187, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6188, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6189, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6190, ('', '2.7.0', 
''): 6191, ('', '1.1.0', 
'2006.'): 5987, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6192, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6193, ('', '11.10.0', '200!
15.53_PSTAMP_2009.'): 6194, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6195, ('', '1.5.0', 
'2004.'): 6196, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6197, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6198, ('', '1.0', 
'2005.'): 6199, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6200, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6201, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6202, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6203, ('', '1.0', 
'2004.'): 5741, ('', '10.0.0', 
'2005.08.31_PSTAMP_2008.'): 6204, ('', '1.6', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2010.'): 6205, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6206, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6207, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6208, ('', '0.1', 
'2005.'): 6209, ('', '1.0.127', 
''): 6210, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 5884, ('', '11.10', 
'2005.'): 6211, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6212, ('', '1.6', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2010.'): 6213, ('', '1.6.0', 
'2006.'): 6214, ('', '2.0', 
'15_PSTAMP_prodvers_2_2_4_2_patch_123893_22_Mar_16_10'): 6215, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6216, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6217, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6218, ('', '1.1.0', 
'2006.'): 5724, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6219, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6220, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6221, ('', '10.0', '!
09.12.00_PSTAMP_2004.'): 6105, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): 6222, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 5719, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6223, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): 6224, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6225, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6226, ('', '', 
'0.2007.11.20_PSTAMP_2008.'): 6227, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6228, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): 6229, ('', '11.10', 
'2007.'): 6230, ('', '2.0', 
'2005.'): 6231, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6232, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6233, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6234, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2009.'): 6235, ('', '', 
'0.2008.02.15_PSTAMP_2008.'): 5969, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6236, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6237, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6238, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6239, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6240, ('', '', 
'0.2004.12.15_PSTAMP_2004.'): 5862, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6241, ('', '1.1.0', 
'2006.'): 5922, ('', '10.0.0', 
'2004.12.10_PSTAMP_2009.'): 6242, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6243, ('', '1.1', 
''): 5765, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6244, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6245, ('', '', 
'0.2004.12.15_PSTAMP_2004.'): 5733, ('', '20.!
''): 6246, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6247, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6248, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6249, ('', '4.2', 
'2.0.73_PSTAMP_2004.'): 5934, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6250, ('', '10.0.0', 
'2004.11.18_PSTAMP_2004.'): 6251, ('', '10.0.0', 
'2005.'): 6252, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): 6253, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6254, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6255, ('', '2.3.3', 
''): 6256, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6010, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6257, ('', '0.1', 
'2005.'): 5927, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6258, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6259, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6260, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2009.'): 6261, ('', '11.10', 
'2005.'): 6262, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6263, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6264, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6265, ('', '1.6', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2010.'): 6266, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6267, ('', '2.6.0', 
''): 5792, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6268, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6269, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6270, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6271, ('', '', 
'2008.'): 627!
 2, ('', 
'13.1', '2005.'): 6273, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6274, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): 6275, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6276, ('', '1.6.0', 
'2006.'): 6277, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6278, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6279, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6280, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6281, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6282, ('', '2.6.0', 
''): 6283, ('', '11.9', 
'2005.'): 6284, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6285, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6286, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6287, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6288, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 5805, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6289, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6290, ('', '1.0', 
'2005.'): 6291, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6292, ('', '1.0', 
'2007.'): 6293, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6294, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2009.'): 6295, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): 6296, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6297, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6298, ('', '2.3.3', 
''): 5732, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6299, ('', '1.1.0', 
'2006.'): 5714, ('', '11.10.0', 
.30.06.52'): 6300, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6301, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6302, ('', '11.10', 
'2005.'): 6303, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6304, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): 6305, ('', '5.10', 
'2004.12.18_PSTAMP_2011.'): 6306, ('', '2.24.2', 
'101.0.3_PSTAMP_2011.'): 6307, ('', '10.0.0', 
'2004.12.10_PSTAMP_2005.'): 6308, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6309, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6310, ('', '11.10', 
'2005.'): 6311, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6312, ('', '3.7.3', 
'1.2004.06.28_PSTAMP_2004.'): 5923, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): 6313, ('', '1.4 REV=2006.03.29', 
'1_PSTAMP_2006.'): None, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): None, ('', '1.7.0', 
'2011.'): None, ('', '', 
''): None, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): None, ('', '1.4', 
'2006.03.29_PSTAMP_2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2009.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '1.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '2.6.0', 
''): None, ('', '', 
'0.2006.10.13_PSTAMP_2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.11', 
'2005.'): No!
 ne, ('',
 '11.10.0', '2007.'): None, ('', '2.6.0', 
''): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2009.'): None, ('', '1.1.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '1.0', 
'2004.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '5.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '1.4', 
'2006.03.29_PSTAMP_2008.'): None, ('', '1.6.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2010.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '1.5.0', 
'2004.'): None, ('', '11.10', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '0.1', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '1.4', 
'2006.03.29_PSTAMP_2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.11', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '5.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '1.0', 
'10.2006.10.13_PSTAMP_2009.'): None, ('', '11.10.!
 0', '200'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '1.6', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2010.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '3.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.9', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '200.1.5', 
'2005.08.29_PSTAMP_2010.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '13.1', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '1.6.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '10.0.0', 
'2004.12.10_PSTAMP_2007.'): None, ('', '5.10', 
'2004.11.23_PSTAMP_2011.'): None, ('', '2.6.0', '!
5.21.37_PSTAMP_2010.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '2.1.3', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2010.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '10.0', 
'2004.'): None, ('', '2.6', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '', 
'0.2004.12.15_PSTAMP_2004.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '1.0.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '3.7.2', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2010.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '', 
'0.2004.12.15_PSTAMP_2004.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '10.0.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', '2!
1.15.53_PSTAMP_2012.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2009.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '2.6.0', 
''): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '13.1', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2006.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2008.'): None, ('', '1.6', 
'10.2004.12.17_PSTAMP_2010.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2007.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '1.0', 
'10.2006.07.18_PSTAMP_2009.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2011.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None, ('', '11.10.0', 
'2005.'): None}
	               archs = <type 'dict'> {'sparc-solaris': None}

Frame __postprocessSolarisPackage in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/importlib/packageImport.py at line 385
	                self = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.importlib.packageImport.PackageImport instance at 
	             package = <type 'instance'> <ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE: 
string representation too large>

Frame __postprocess in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/importlib/packageImport.py at line 358
	                self = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.importlib.packageImport.PackageImport instance at 
	             package = <type 'instance'> <ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE: 
string representation too large>

Frame fix in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/importlib/packageImport.py at line 304
	                self = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.importlib.packageImport.PackageImport instance at 

Frame run in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/importlib/importLib.py at line 626
	                self = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.importlib.packageImport.PackageImport instance at 

Frame push_package in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/rhnPackageUpload.py at line 144
	               force = <type 'int'> 0
	               a_pkg = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.common.rhn_mpm.MPM_Package instance at 0x2ab0411138c0>
	              org_id = <type 'int'> 1
	               batch = <type 'instance'> <ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE: 
string representation too large>
	       relative_path = <type 'str'> redhat/1/410/patch-solaris-
	            channels = <type 'list'> []
	            importer = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.importlib.packageImport.PackageImport instance at 
	                 pkg = <type 'instance'> <ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE: 
string representation too large>
	        upload_force = <type 'int'> 0
	             backend = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.importlib.backendOracle.PostgresqlBackend instance at 

Frame handler in 
/usr/share/rhn/upload_server/handlers/package_push/package_push.py at line 126
	                self = <type 'instance'> 
<upload_server.handlers.package_push.package_push.PackagePush instance at 
	                 req = <type 'mp_request'> <mp_request object at 
	                 ret = <type 'int'> 0
	               a_pkg = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.common.rhn_mpm.MPM_Package instance at 0x2ab0411138c0>

Frame _wrapper in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/apacheUploadServer.py at line 118
	            function = <type 'instancemethod'> <bound method 
PackagePush.handler of 
<upload_server.handlers.package_push.package_push.PackagePush instance at 
	                self = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.apacheUploadServer.UploadHandler instance at 0x2ab040d7afc8>
	                 req = <type 'mp_request'> <mp_request object at 
	       function_name = <type 'str'> handler

Frame handler in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-
packages/spacewalk/server/apacheUploadServer.py at line 72
	                self = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.apacheUploadServer.UploadHandler instance at 0x2ab040d7afc8>
	                 req = <type 'mp_request'> <mp_request object at 

Frame HandlerDispatch in /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-
packages/mod_python/apache.py at line 299
	                 req = <type 'mp_request'> <mp_request object at 
	                self = <type 'instance'> <mod_python.apache.CallBack 
instance at 0x2ab041113878>
	              object = <type 'instancemethod'> <bound method 
UploadHandler.handler of <spacewalk.server.apacheUploadServer.UploadHandler 
instance at 0x2ab040d7afc8>>
	                   l = <type 'list'> 
['spacewalk.server.apacheUploadServer', 'Handler']
	              module = <type 'module'> <module 
'spacewalk.server.apacheUploadServer' from '/usr/lib/python2.4/site-
	               hlist = <type 'mp_hlist'> 
	          object_str = <type 'str'> Handler
	               debug = <type 'int'> 0
	         module_name = <type 'str'> spacewalk.server.apacheUploadServer
	              config = <type 'mp_table'> {'PythonInterpreter': 
	                 dir = <type 'str'> /PACKAGE-PUSH/
	              result = <type 'int'> 500

Environment for PID=11074 on exception:
PATH = /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
PWD = /
TERM = xterm
_ = /usr/sbin/httpd

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