[Spacewalk-list] Channel GPG information

Fran Garcia franchu.garcia at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 18:53:20 UTC 2012

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Snyder, Chris wrote:
> A Channel definition has a ‘Security: GPG’ section which contains the GPG
> Key URL, ID, and Fingerprint.
> When/where does this information get used within Spacewalk?  Does Spacewalk
> automatically make this key available to any client system that registers
> with this channel?

It's used in the Kickstart post-installation phase. Once the system is
installed, it's fed all the GPG/SSL certificates that you've attached
to your kickstart.

This enables complaint-less installation of non-RH RPMs (ie: home-made
or vendor provided).

> Oh, and why are GPG keys NOT associated with a repository definition?  This
> would make the most sense to me versus having them related to a channel or
> kickstart profile.

If I understand correctly, you might or might not have (external)
repositories. Repos are only used to fetch external content (ie:
EPEL), and pushed into a local channel. Your standard way of
provisioning software will be create a channel and rhnpush your RPMs
into it, not fetch from an external source.

But I might be wrong, so any corrections will be appreciated :-)

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