[Spacewalk-list] Solaris Support

Wojtak, Greg (Superfly) GregWojtak at quickenloans.com
Tue Oct 2 21:42:24 UTC 2012

Hey there,

I had started setting up a Solaris Spacewalk client and had given up because of the seemingly endless stream of issues.  I revisited this again when I saw there were some newer Solaris packages available.  So far things are working a lot better than before, but I'm still not there.  I was able to successfully register a system and convert some packages to mpm format and upload them.  I've not been able to test patches yet.  I have one huge issue coming up: anytime I run up2date <packagename> to test, I get a traceback and the following error:

xmlrpclib.ProtocolError: <ProtocolError for <SPACEWALK-SERVER> /XMLRPC/$RHN/solaris-10-x86/listAllPackagesComplete/20121002142031: 404 Not Found>

hostname scrubbed, it is appearing correctly).  I get the same error using smart.  If I schedule a push in the WebUI and then run rhn_check, I get an error saying there was an ISE on the spacewalk server.  In the httpd error_log, I get a traceback

[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error] Exception Handler Information
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error] Traceback (most recent call last):
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/spacewalk/server/apacheRequest.py", line 122, in call_function
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error]     response = apply(func, params)
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error]   File "/usr/share/rhn/server/handlers/xmlrpc/queue.py", line 329, in get
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error]     ret = self.__getV2(action)
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error]   File "/usr/share/rhn/server/handlers/xmlrpc/queue.py", line 87, in __getV2
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error]     result = method(self.server_id, action['id'], dry_run)
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/spacewalk/server/action/solarispkgs.py", line 74, in install
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error]     h.execute(server_id=server_id, action_id=action_id)
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/spacewalk/server/rhnSQL/sql_base.py", line 163, in execute
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error]     return apply(self._execute_wrapper, (self._execute, ) + p, kw)
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/spacewalk/server/rhnSQL/driver_postgresql.py", line 282, in _execute_wrapper
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error]     retval = apply(function, p, kw)
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/spacewalk/server/rhnSQL/sql_base.py", line 217, in _execute
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error]     return self._execute_(args, kwargs)
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/spacewalk/server/rhnSQL/driver_postgresql.py", line 295, in _execute_
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error]     self._real_cursor.execute(self.sql, params)
[Tue Oct 02 17:39:17 2012] [error] SQLStatementPrepareError: ('syntax error at or near "name"\\nLINE 3:            pn.name name,\\n                           ^\\n', 0, '\\n    select distinct\\n           pn.name name,\\n           pe.epoch epoch,\\n           pe.version version,\\n           pe.release release,\\n           pa.label arch,\\n           c.label channel_label,\\n           nvl2(c.parent_channel, 0, 1) is_parent_channel\\n      from rhnActionPackage ap,\\n           rhnPackage p,\\n           rhnPackageName pn,\\n           rhnPackageEVR pe,\\n           rhnPackageArch pa,\\n           rhnServerChannel sc,\\n           rhnChannelPackage cp,\\n           rhnChannel c\\n     where ap.action_id = %(action_id)s\\n       and ap.evr_id = p.evr_id\\n       and ap.evr_id = pe.id\\n       and ap.name_id = p.name_id\\n       and ap.name_id = pn.id\\n       and p.package_arch_id = pa.id\\n       and p.id = cp.package_id\\n       and cp.channel_id = sc.channel_id\\n       and sc.server_id = %(server_id)s\\n       and sc.channel_id = c.id\\n')

Can someone help me to debug this?  I am running solaris client 5.4-7 packages against spacewalk 1.6 on centos 6 64-bit with postgres.  I can upgrade to 1.7, but I didn't want to do it just to see if it fixed it (ie, I would if there were enhancements to solaris functionality included).

One other problem I noticed is that when I first register it or ran an up2date against an empty channel, it took a very long time (upwards of 10 minutes) for the command to complete after the hash marks were printed for the client cache operations.  Not sure if there is any input on that aspect.

Greg Wojtak
Sr. Unix Systems Engineer
Office: (313) 373-4306
Cell: (734) 718-8472

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