[Spacewalk-list] Channel/repository Relationship

Michael Snyder msnyder at digitalriver.com
Tue Aug 20 17:32:24 UTC 2013


I am working on an upgrade from Spacewalk 1.8 to 2.0, and have found an interesting challenge in the process.  One of the goals is to populate the new system repositories from the old system, and to uniformly establish distinct repositories which are then referenced by the channels.

"spacecmd" has been instrumental in providing data from the old system useful for creating the existing channels, and I have also successfully established matching repositories for the channels.  Some examples for the channel and repo creations, as driven through scripting on both ends with "spacecmd":

 - spacecmd "softwarechannel_create -n centos6-base-x86_64 -l legacy-centos6-base-x86_64 -a x86_64"
 - spacecmd "repo_create -n centos6-base-x86_64-repo -u http://[old_spacewalk_server]/ks/dist/centos6-base-x86_64"

The one detail that I can't seem to solve is registering/relating the repository to the channel.  I have not found any spacecmd verb that corresponds to something like:

 - spacecmd "softwarechannel_addrepo -r centos6-base-x86_64-repo centos6-base-x86_64"
 - spacecmd "softwarechannel_addrepo -r [repo_name] channel_name"   #to be more generic ...

(and of course, proposing an "add" verb implies that a "delete" counterpart should exist)

Have I missed this functionality expressed with a different verb?  Can this be done in a programmatic way?

Best Regards,
Michael Snyder 

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